렉스의 사회변동 이론을 통해 본 북한의 갈등과 정치적 변혁의 가능성
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Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 렉스의 이론
1. 이론 형성의 이념적·사회적 배경
2. 기능주의에 대한 비판
3. 렉스의 갈등 모델

Ⅲ. 렉스의 이론과 북한 사회
1. 갈등집단의 형성 - 군부와 경제 엘리트들간의 대립 가능성
2. 지배계급의 상황 - 주체사상의 주입과 유일 영도체계의 확립
3. 혁명적 상항 - 반체제 운동집단의 결여
4. 휴전 상황 - 권력의 공백상태 없이 상황변화에 신속 대처

Ⅳ. 렉스의 이론에 대한 평가와 함의
1. 렉스 이론의 강점과 취약점
2. 연구의 함의

Ⅴ. 결론

참고 문헌


liations. pp. 92-93 in Wolff, Kurt H. and Bendix Richard (trans.). New York: The Free Press.
Tanter, Raymond. 1966. “Dimensions on Conflict Behavior Within and Between Nations, 1958-1960.” The Journal of Conflict Resolution 10(March): 41-64.
Turner, Jonathan H. 1978. The Structure of Sociological Theory. Homewood: The Dorsey Press. pp. 3.
Wilkenfeld, Jonathan. 1973. “Domestic and Foreign Conflict.” pp. 107-123 in Wilkenfeld, Jonathan (ed.), Conflict Behavior and Linkage Politics. New York: David McKay Co.
이효선은 미국 시라큐스 대학에서 사회학 박사학위를 받았으며, 현재 중앙대학교 사회학과에 재직중이다. 주요 전공 분야는 사회학 이론, 사회변동, 사회운동 등이며 최근에는 세계화의 갈등적 측면과 시민운동의 제도화에 관심을 가지고 있다. E-mail: hyosun@cau.ac.kr
(2002. 3. 8. 접수; 2002. 8. 9. 채택)
The Possibility of Conflict and Political Transformation of North Korea from the Perspective
of John Rex’s Theory of Social Change
Lee, Hyosun, Department of Sociology, Chung-Ang University
This study attempts to explore the possibility of conflict and political upheavals of North Korea through the application of theory of social change of John Rex. His theory that emphasizes struggle for power between groups starts by assuming two parties with conflicting aims; the formation of conflict groups. The ruling class situation, the revolutionary situation and the truce situation constitute the rest of his conflict model.
This study finds that conflicts can occur between economic technocrats who prefer economic advancement to other things and military leaders who are responsible for national security. However, the power of the military group is stronger than any other groups within the circle of ruling elites because the authority and power of Kim, Jung-Il mainly rest upon them. Moreover, the ruling class situation shows that by 1958 Kim, Il-Sung terrorized rival groups one by one, while Kim, Jung-Il gradually consolidated his power since 1974 under his father's tacit approval. In this process, Juche idea and one-man dictatorship became the two most distinguishable features of North Korea in which state power is more personalized than institutionalized.
According to Rex's theory, the revolutionary situation depends upon the strength of aspirations of the dominated group, their capacity for collective action, their leadership and organizing ability as well as the example of similar groups in other societies. The lack of anti-government or anti-state movements greatly hinders the revolutionary situations coming in North Korea. As the new leader and institutions gain a legitimacy, this lack of resistance movement and the ruling groups' quick adjustment to the new balance of power after Kim, Il-Sung's death have made what Rex referred to as the truce situation possible. In short, this study shows that political transformations such as revolutions or mass uprisings in North Korea are not possible yet because of latency of conflicts by repression.
Key words: political transformation, conflict groups, ruling class situation,
revolutionary situation, truce situation.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수23페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.26
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#213258
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