영문법 가정법의 이해
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영문법 가정법의 이해에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


happened all of a sudden.
⒜ were it not for ⒝ had it not been for
⒞ if it were not for ⒟ if there were not
6. Had I have been in my brother's position, I would have hung up the phone in
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
the middle of the conversation.

7. "Your grade on the mid-term exam is not so good."
"That's true. If I had studied harder, I ."
⒜ had a better grade ⒝ might had a better grade
⒞ might have a better grade ⒟ might have had a better grade
8. "We're in danger now." "If you to me, we wouldn't be in danger."
⒜ has listened ⒝ had listened ⒞ listen ⒟ would listen
9. Jenny would go to the musical on the premiere to get an advanced
⒜ if she was able ⒝ if she had been able
⒞ would she have been able ⒟ was she able
10. You should always keep your words; you won't be able to make it in business.(건국대)
⒜ otherwise ⒝ else ⒞ rather ⒟ as ⒠ nevertheless
11. "I'm sorry you failed in the entrance examination."(덕성여대)
"Frankly, I wish I harder."
⒜ studied ⒝ had studied ⒞ was studying ⒟ did study
12. Suppose you were in Europe, ? (덕성여대)
⒜ what city you like to visit ⒝ what city do you like to visit
⒞ what city you are likely to visit ⒟ what city would you like to visit
13. ⒜ Had the teacher ⒝ been in the room, the students ⒞ would not created ⒟ such a commotion.(동국)
14. I Professor Jones had taught me this equation.
⒜ believe ⒝ wish ⒞ deeply think ⒟ am guessing
15. She spoke to me as though she has known me all her life before.
⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟
16. The dam was built in time to protect the inhabitants from the flood : .
⒜ otherwise the damage would be beyond measure
⒝ the damage, otherwise, should be very great
⒞ the damage would have been very serious otherwise
⒟ the damage caused, therefore, many of them homeless
(정답) 1.⒟ 2.⒟ 3.⒞ 4.⒞ 5.⒝ 6. ⒜ 7.⒟ 8.⒝ 9.⒝ 10.⒜ 11.⒝ 12.⒟ 13.⒞
14.⒝ 15.⒞ 16.⒞
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2003.09.29
  • 저작시기2003.09
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#225127
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