일본경제붕괴 잃어버린10년(논문)
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제 1장 경제부진의 장기적 원인 - 1980년대의 일본 경제
1. 상계대출의 확산
2 . 은행으로의 리스크 집중
3 . 국제자본시장의 변화
4 . 금융정책의 파행

제 2 장 불황이 가져온 잘못된 개혁
1. 규제완화론
2 . 기업 구조조정의 오해

제 3 장 일본경제 10년 불황이 한국경제에 시사하는 점
1. 확고한 정치적 리더십이 필요하다
2 . 금융과 기업 구조조정을 조속히 마무리해야 한다
3 . 장기불황의 가능성에도 대비하는 자세가 요구된다
4 . 재정적자와 각종 연금제도의 재정비가 시급하다


inly resulted by the
government's control and intervention. Japanese economy in the 1990s has
continuously showed the negative growth rate almost near zero percent except
the year's of 1995 and 1996. And in the years of 1997 and 1998, the growth
rate of Japanese economy recorded minus point for the first time since the
postwar period.
Japanese government could not give confidence to the public because
inconsistent financial policies and exchange rate, and fall of asset price caused
the increase of debts which companies and households held. Thereby the
long-term stagnation of the Japanese economy has sustained for a long time.
The most decisive factor for Japanese economy's so-called 'lost 10 years'
was the failure of financial policy. Austerity finance, which was dealt with to
overcome the economy's bubble, rather caused negative growth rate and gave
high risks to financial institutions through inappropriate management of
insolvent obligation.
On the other hand, Japanese politics could not play any role to get over
economic difficulties. Therefore 'disappearance of political leadership' was
added to the long-term stagnation of the Japanese economy as a major factor.
And the fiscal policy was enforced for the public expenditures with over
120 trillion yen for almost every year after collapse of bubble, but the
effectiveness of fiscal policies had not come out. In addition, aging of
Japanese population has been progressing with high rate of speed. Aging
problem could be an indirect cause to make financial situation more difficult
in the near future.
Then what are the suggestions to Korean economy drawn from the causes
and present condition of the Japanese economy's long-term stagnation.
First, the firm political leadership is necessary for the stable economy.
Korean economy requires firm political leadership in order to promote the
determined structural adjustment under the long-term vision for the economic
Second, the structural adjustment of companies and banks should be settled
down as soon as possible. The postponement of structural adjustment which is
necessary for minimizing troubles and problems in the process of upgrading
nation's competitiveness can give mistrust to the private sectors. Third, the
provisional attitude for the long-term stagnation is reguired. When world
economic situation may be falling off, the financial crisis of companies could
be reoccurred because Korean economy is highly depended on the external
Fourth, the reformation of accumulated financial deficit and several pension
systems are needed. The financial deficit causes the increase of debt
accumulation of public finane. Thereby an effective government policy can not
function well.
Now Korean government promotes structural adjustment in many sectors. In
order to succeed structural adjustment , the long-term preparation and serious
investigation of cases of the Japanese economy will be very helpful for
strengthening the Korean economy's future.


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2003.10.23
  • 저작시기2003.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#227902
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