학문과 실천으로서 사회복지정책
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학문과 실천으로서 사회복지정책에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 사회복지정책학이 사회과학으로서 갖는 성격 이해

2. 사회복지정책을 구성하는 요소 이해
2.1. Problemfelder der Sozialpolitik: 넓은 의미

3. 사회복지정책을 보는 관점 이해
3.1. 개념 정의를 둘러싼 논쟁의 근거


rch evidence emerging from some of the earliest empirical studies of social problems in the country by people like Booth and Rowntree
nthe reform of the Liberal governments of the early twentieth century
na review of the Poor Laws by a Royal Commission established in 1905
·a Minority Report: Beatrice and Sidney Webb. public provision of state services as
·a Majority Report: Helen Bosanquet (a leading figures in the Charity Organisation Society). a central role for voluntary philanthropic activity
This debate about the balance between state and non-state provision of welfare continued to influence the development of social policy throughout the rest of the twentieth century (Alcock,2003:4).
nthe London School of Economics (LSE) established by the Webbs
·Clement Attlee (later Prime Minister in the reforming Labour government after the Second World War)
·William Beveridge
·Tawney, T.H. Marshall, Richard Titmuss, Brian Abel-Smith, Peter Towsend, Tony Atkinson
Sozialpolitik Wohlfahrtsstaat
The most important development in social policy during the twentieth century, and the most important feature of it for academic study, was the creation of what has come to be called the welfare state in the years immediately following the Second World War (Alcock,2003:6).
nBeveridge aganist Five Giant Social Evils such as ignorance, disease, idleness, squalor and want
ncomprehensive state provision
·free education up to age 15 (later 16), to combat ignorance
·a national health service (NHS) free at the point of use, to combat disease
·state commitment to securing full employment, to combat idleness
·public housing for all citizens to rent, to combat squalor
·national insurance benefits for all in need, to combat want
nthe cross-party consensus on state welfare: Butskellism (Labour Chancellor Gaitskell and his Conservative successor Butler)
But... What is the Welfare State? Is this form of the State achieved?
박병현 (2003), 사회복지정책론-이론과 분석, 서울: 현학사.
박정호 (2002), 사회복지정책론, 서울: 학지사.
송근원/김태성 (1995), 사회복지 정책론, 서울: 나남출판.
원석조 (2001), 사회복지정책학원론, 서울: 양서원.
이정우 (2002), 사회복지정책, 서울: 학지사.
한형수 (2002), “사회복지정책의 개념과 이론,” 강욱모 외 (2002), 21세기 사회복지정책, 서울: 청목출판사, 15-45쪽.
현외성 (2000), 사회복지정책강론, 서울: 양서원.
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2005.04.07
  • 저작시기2005.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#291601
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