알코올 건강심리학에 대한 장애 내용 조사
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Ⅰ. Introduction :알코올 중독은 왜 중요한 문제인가?
Ⅱ.알코올 중독이란 무엇인가 -엄밀한 정의에 관하여
Ⅲ. 원인론
1. 유전 이론
2. 사회 문화적
3. 정신 역동적
4. 사회학습이론적
Ⅳ. 치료론
1. 개인 치료- 병식 개선
2. 주변 환경 치료-지역적 치료와 관련
3. 약물 치료-생물학적 치료와 관련
Ⅴ. 알코올 치료의 전망
Ⅵ.건강심리학의 전망
1. 건강 심리학은 어떤 학문분야(Spetrum)를 가지는가?
2. 건강심리학의 분야는 왜 필요한가?
Ⅶ. 부록

Shelly E. Taylor McGRAW-Hill. INC 6p 원문

Ⅷ. 참고문헌


o get people to improve their diets
Health Psychologists also study the psychological aspects of the prevention and treatment of illness. A health Psychologist might try to teach people in a high-stress effectively so that it will not adversely affect their health. A health psychologist might work with whole who are already ill to help them adjust more successfully to their illness or to learn to follow their treatment regimen.
Health Psychologists also focus on the etiology and correlates of health, illness, and dysfuntion. Eiology refers to the orgins or causes of illness, and health psychologists are especially interested in behavioral and social factors that contribute to health or illness and dysfuntion. Such factors can include health habits such as alcohol consumption, smoking, exercise, the wearing of seat belts and ways of coping with stress.
Finally Health Psychologists analyze and attempt to improve the health care system and the formulation of health policy.
Why is the field of health Psychology needed?
Changing Patterns of Illness
Chronic illnesses-especially heart disease, cancer, and diabetes- are main contributors to disability and death. Chronic illnesses are typically diseases that can not be cured, but rather only managed by patient and practitioner together.
First, these are diseases in which psychological and social factors are implicated as causes. Second, because these are illnesses with which people may live for many years, psychological issues arise in connection with them. Thus, the prevalence of chronic illness has increased the number of psychological question that health psychology is now beginning to answer, as will shorty be seen.
Ⅷ. 참고문헌
주요인용 ⑴알코올성 질환의 진단과 치료 김종성, 박병강, 김갑중 지음
알코올 중독의 진단, DSM-Ⅳ, 알코올 중독의 분류, 알코올 신체적인 영향, 치료론 부분
주요인용 ⑵알코올 중독:잊고 싶은 현실, 잃어버린 자아 정남운, 박현주 지음.
알코올 중독의 단기영향, 알코올로 인한 사회심리학적인 손실, 원인론, 치료론 부분
참고서적 ⑶ 알코올 중독 치료의 길잡이 유호인 지음 전반적인 요약(얇은 책)
부분인용 ⑷ 알코올리즘 환자의 성격 유형과 음주 양태, 음주 결과기대,
결과사건과의 관계 이소우지음 음주 사례 및 분류 부분
부분인용 ⑸ 임상심리학 이현수 지음 원인 및 치료 부분
부분인용 ⑹ 상담심리학 김계현 지음 치료부분
: 적용영역별 접근
부분인용 ⑺ Health Psychology 2nd edition Shelly E. Taylor 지음 건강심리학 부분
Non internet 긁기 인용
Health Psychology
제출일: 6월 15일
Alcoholic Disorders


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수30페이지
  • 등록일2006.01.22
  • 저작시기2006.01
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#334500
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