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concepts for today 4 2E(1~4과) 해석 및 연습문제 정답 완벽정리 에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.



CHAPTER1. The Paradox of Happiness


CHAPTER3. The Birth Order Myth

CHAPTER4. Why So Many More Americans Die in Fires

연습문제 A, B, C, D, E 정답


ssibility, it also creates a loss in privacy and a lack of refuge in the home. One solution to the problem created by modern technology is for companies to protect the privacy and limit the on-call time of the employees.
Chapter III
E. Information Organization
1.A. The Myth: Birth order strongly affects personality, intelligence, and achievement.
B. The Reality: This myth is not true.
II. Research Results about Birth Order
A.2. There is not evidence for a firstborn personality.
B. The findings of Judith Blake
III. Other Factors Affecting Personality and Intelligence
A. Number of Siblings
B. Parents' expectations
C. Spacing between Siblings
IV. Conflicting Researches Regarding Family Size and Personality
B. Two studies found no differences on the basis of family size alone.
Hundreds of studies have been done on the effects of birth order on personality, intelligence, and achievement. Because many of the studies came up with conflicting results, it seems that the effect of birth order on these factors is a myth.
Chapter IV
E. Information Organization
People's attitude toward fires:
The United States
People are indifferent; they believe that fires are not really anyone's fault.
Public education and the law treat fires as either a personal failing or a crime.
Public education and the law treat fires as either a personal failing or a crime.
How countries deal with fires:
The United States
American fire departments are fast and well equipped.
The US spends more money fighting fires than preventing them.
E. Information Organization(Continued)
In the Netherlands, every room must have two fire exits.
In France, insurers cannot repay the full cost of damage.
In Switzerland, insurers pay only if an identical structure is built.
In Japan:
Penalties include life imprisonment.
Neighbors may ask you to move away.
Officials at fire embarrass the people responsible for the fire.
Public education:
The United States
Fire-safety lessons are aimed at children, who start very few fires.
In England, the London Fire Brigade spends $1 million a year on fire-safety commercials.
Korea holds neighborhood fire drills.
Hong Kong apartment buildings have fire marshals.
The Japanese learn to use fire extinguishers at work.
Technology for fire prevention:
The United States
There are smoke detectors in 85% of all homes.
Some building codes require sprinklers.
New heaters and irons shut themselves off.
New stoves will turn themselves off.
How attitudes towards fire are changing:
The United States
Some towns fine people if they have serious fires because they let smoke detectors go dead.
A landlord was charged with manslaughter because his building burned and people died as a result.
Summary(p. 74)
In the United States, people believe that fires aren't anyone's fault, and rely on technology for fire prevention. In Europe and Asia, however, people treat fires as a crime. They educate adults in fire prevention and have strict laws.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수25페이지
  • 등록일2009.09.27
  • 저작시기2009.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#554290
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