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범죄예방 건축기법(CPTED) 에 관해에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


part of the success of these programs was not just the resulting physical improvements but the community consultation, community support and programs improvements. This infusion of resources often has a significant positive effect.
20. Infusion of Legitimate Populations
When a neighbourhood has a larger than average percentage of high risk populations (perhaps up to 10%) that live in or pass through that neighbourhood, then the effects of too many people involved in illegal activities can be turned around by an infusion of legitimate populations. (Legitimate populations being those that do not take part in illegal activities.) An example would be where an area changes from an industrial use to medium or high density, market residential (or with partial non-market) adjacent to or within a medium crime neighbourhood, the legitimate activities of the new residents will tend balance or dominate the existing illegal activities. However, in high crime neighbourhoods, introduction of legitimate populations should be carefully considered. This principle is similar to the principle of neighbourhood gentrification.
21. Positive Effects of Management Programs
Environmental design is only one of the many important ways to reduce opportunities for crime and nuisance activities. Good management programs and security programs have important positive impacts and can be used where there are limited alternatives for physical design solutions.
22. Neighbourhood Genesis to Crime
In most cases, crime levels change slowly over time. If a crime generator such as a poorly managed pub moves into an area, it will often be offset by concerned neighbours or other moderating uses. However, in some cases, if a crime node, such as a mass transit station, comes into a neighbourhood already struggling with crime issues, this may tip the balance and begin the erosion of the neighbourhood and genesis to increasing crime levels.
23. Exterior Corridors
iple residential apartment buildings with exterior circulation corridors are often the target of higher levels of theft. The exterior corridors at the ground level and within easy climbing distance to the second or third floor can allow easy access to numerous doors leading to building exits and underground parking where theft from automobiles is the primary target. Secondarily, opportunities for breaking into residences can also increase.
24. Pedestrian Underpasses
The rule of thumb is to make the underpass as wide as it is long.
Pedestrian underpasses generate a lot of fear; they limit movement options, reduce visibility and increase isolation. They are often dark and are poorly maintained. All of these increase feelings of fear.
The actual risk associated with the underpass follows the orders of crime determiners. If there are high risk populations in the area then the underpass may attract actual risk of violent crime and nuisance behaviour such as graffiti and vandalism.
Is Good Design Also Safe Design?
Food for thought...



  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수28페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.20
  • 저작시기2006.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#601288
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