효소의 명명법 및 분류와 기능
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
4페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1.효소의 체계적분류
3.식품효소의 종류
4.효소분류와명명법의 개요
5.대분류 등급에 의한 효소의 분류


-type carboxypeptidases.
3. 4.19.- Omega peptidases.
3. 4.21.- Serine endopeptidases.
3. 4.22.- Cysteine endopeptidases.
3. 4.23.- Aspartic endopeptidases.
3. 4.24.- Metalloendopeptidases.
3. 4.99.- Endopeptidases of unknown catalytic mechanism.
3. 5. -.- Acting on carbon-nitrogen bonds, other than peptide bonds.
3. 5. 1.- In linear amides.
3. 5. 2.- In cyclic amides.
3. 5. 3.- In linear amidines.
3. 5. 4.- In cyclic amidines.
3. 5. 5.- In nitriles.
3. 5.99.- In other compounds.
3. 6. -.- Acting on acid anhydrides.
3. 6. 1.- In phosphorous-containing anhydrides.
3. 6. 2.- In sulfonyl-containing anhydrides.
3. 7. -.- Acting on carbon-carbon bonds.
3. 7. 1.- In ketonic substances.
3. 8. -.- Acting on halide bonds.
3. 8. 1.- In C-halide compounds.
3. 9. -.- Acting on phosphorus-nitrogen bonds.
3.10. -.- Acting on sulfur-nitrogen bonds.
3.11. -.- Acting on carbon-phosphorus bonds.
3.12. -.- Acting on sulfur-sulfur bonds.
4. -. -.- 분해효소류 Lyases 이중결합에의 첨가
4. 1. -.- Carbon-carbon lyases.
4. 1. 1.- carboxy-lyases.
4. 1. 2.- Aldehyde-lyases.
4. 1. 3.- Oxo-acid-lyases.
4. 1.99.- Other carbon-carbon lyases.
4. 2. -.- Carbon-oxygen lyases.
4. 2. 1.- Hydro-lyases.
4. 2. 2.- Acting on polysaccharides.
4. 2.99.- Other carbon-oxygen lyases.
4. 3. -.- Carbon-nitrogen lyases.
4. 3. 1.- Ammonia-lyases.
4. 3. 2.- Amidine-lyases.
4. 3. 3.- Amine-lyases.
4. 3.99.- Other carbon-nitrogen-lyases.
4. 4. -.- Carbon-sulfur lyases.
4. 5. -.- Carbon-halide lyases.
4. 6. -.- Phosphorus-oxygen lyases.
4.99. -.- Other lyases.
5. -. -.- 이성질화효소류 Isomerases 이성질화반응
5. 1. -.- Racemases and epimerases.
5. 1. 1.- Acting on amino acids and derivatives.
5. 1. 2.- Acting on hydroxy acids and derivatives.
5. 1. 3.- Acting on carbohydrates and derivatives.
5. 1.99.- Acting on other compounds.
5. 2. -.- Cis-trans-isomerases.
5. 3. -.- Intramolecular oxidoreductases.
5. 3. 1.- Interconverting aldoses and ketoses.
5. 3. 2.- Interconverting keto- and enol- groups.
5. 3. 3.- Transposing C==C groups.
5. 3. 4.- Transposing S-S bonds.
5. 3.99.- Other intramolecular oxidoreductases.
5. 4. -.- Intramolecular transferases (mutases).
5. 4. 1.- Transferring acyl groups.
5. 4. 2.- Phosphotransferases (phosphomutases).
5. 4. 3.- Transferring amino groups.
5. 4.99.- Transferring other groups.
5. 5. -.- Intramolecular lyases.
5.99. -.- Other isomerases.
6. -. -.- 연결효소류 Ligases ATP가 분해되면서 결합을 형성
6. 1. -.- Forming carbon-oxygen bonds.
6. 1. 1.- Ligases forming aminoacyl-tRNA and related compounds.
6. 2. -.- Forming carbon-sulfur bonds.
6. 2. 1.- Acid--thiol ligases.
6. 3. -.- Forming carbon-nitrogen bonds.
6. 3. 1.- Acid--ammonia (or amine) ligases (amide synthases).
6. 3. 2.- Acid--amino-acid ligases (peptide synthases).
6. 3. 3.- Cyclo-ligases.
6. 3. 4.- Other carbon--nitrogen ligases.
6. 3. 5.- Carbon--nitrogen ligases with glutamine as amido-N-donor.
6. 4. -.- Forming carbon-carbon bonds.
6. 5. -.- Forming phosphoric ester bonds.


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.23
  • 저작시기2006.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#602123
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