희곡 연구방법론 재검토
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Ⅰ. 서론: 희곡 연구의 필요성에 대하여

Ⅱ. 기존 연구사 검토
1. 희곡 연구의 범위와 과제 / 2. 희곡사 연구의 현황
3. 작품론과 작가론의 성과

Ⅲ. 의사소통 모델로 본 희곡연구의 수준
1. 논의의 필요성 / 2. 발신자 중심 비평
3. 메시지 중심 비평 / 4. 수신자 중심 비평
5. 맥락 중심 비평 / 6. 접촉 중심 비평
7. 기호 중심 비평

Ⅳ. 희곡 연구의 새로운 가능성
1. 연극기호학 / 2. 기타 연구방법론의 개괄

Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론



희곡문학 연구의 현황과 전망」,『한국 연극의 현실』, 태학사, 1994.
조병진, 「연극의 교육적 활용: 그 가능성과 방향」, 『문학교육학』, 1998. 여름호.
최동현·김만수, 「1930년대 유성기 음반에 수록된 만담·넌센스·스케치 연구」,『한국극예술연구』 제7집, 태학사, 1997.
Rethinking about the Methodology of the Modern Drama Studies
Kim, Man-Su
This paper's main theme is the rethinking about the methodology of the modern drama studies.
In the traditional way of analysing and estimating the Korean modern drama, the most important criteria are the Nationalism and the Historicism. Those method are similiar in taking accounting of the contents of the work seriously.
In this paper, I refered the Communication Models of Roman Jacobson in order to mapping of the Methodology of the Modern Drama Studies. I changed his models into the Cricicism's models; the linear axis (addresser-> message->addressee) and the tableau axis(context, contact, code).
Addresser oriented criticisms are tend to fall into the narrow concept of the textual sholarship or the mysticism followed in the Genuine Talent. It is meaningless to overestimate the oneness of the artist and the artistic work because the theatre is constituted of many subjects. The theatre is constituted of the combination of many person's participation and the amount of the capital.
Message oriented criticisms are tend to fall into the fallacy of the New Criticism. The New Criticism are tend to be fixed on the wholeness of the artistic work. But in the contemporary cultures, all of the massmedia cultures are the co-work of all factors.
Adressee oriented criticisms belongs to the Reader's Response Theory. In the most of the literary criticisms, the existence of the readers are ignored because their tastes and tendencies are too obvious to analyse. The importance of the reader's roles are reestimated by now. Readers are considered as the passive, but they are not.
Context oriented criticisms are highly estimated by the orthordox Marxist. But it became arbitrary easily because the relationships between the text and the context are very obvious and mobile. The inner dramatic conventions are more important factors than the outer social contexts because the interacion of the stage and the spectaters is the charateristics in drama.
Contact oriented criticisms are called as the Medium Criticism. As Macluhan says, "The medium is the messages." But the way of analysing the massmedia cultures is not practiced in the relationship with the characteristics of the medium itself.
Code oriented criticism are tend to fall into the narrowness of the analysis of the verval sign system. But in the contemporary cultures, non-verval sign systems are considered to the most dorminant and determinating factors of all.
The Methodology of the Modern Drama Studies which we can propoee is the following; 1) The Semiotics of Theare and Drama, 2) The Dramaturgy, 3) Thetre anthropology, 4) The comparison of the theatre nad the Massmedia cultures, 5) How to write and read about the drama 6) The theory and practice about the adaptation.


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수47페이지
  • 등록일2010.06.21
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#621094
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