공무 국외여행 귀국 보고서
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해당 자료는 10페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
10페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


In your discussions on governance, based amongst others on the eight agreed principles, we hope that you will take fully into consideration the basic role that the existing global observing systems will have to play and the increased responsibilities that they will have to bear if GEOSS is to achieve what we all hope it will. You will also need to consider the functions that those responsible for GEOSS implementation will have to assume. Overall, they will need to have sufficient authority to define and implement the linkages to the existing systems. They will need the flexibility to interact with all concerned, especially when they will address data policy in an international context. Our experience suggests that an institutional framework that facilitates universal participation and cooperative working arrangements as well as a robust and well-founded partnership amongst all those contributing to GEOSS will be essential as we move forward.
The universal ownership principle advocated above should not necessarily mean uniformity of commitments across the board. Different organizations and countries face different constraints and offer different advantages in their participation in GEOSS. The Governance process and the coordination mechanisms to be established need to take this diversity fully into accounts.
Meeting the societal needs described in the implementation Plan is a compelling reason to drive us all to work together. As Executive Heads of the concerned UN system organizations, we believe that the successor governance mechanism to GEO should be based on a general agreement that gives everybody participating a true sense of universal ownership amongst the entire set of participating GEOSS organizations and especially among the Members of the international organizations that sponsor or co-sponsor the existing global observing systems. To this end, we would welcome an arrangement under which the governance of GEOSS eventually becomes integrated with the UN system in a way that adds values to the various observing systems that are sponsored or co-sponsored by WMO, UNESCO including its IOC, FAO, UNEP and other international agencies and programmes such as the non-governmental ICSU. Universality of membership, supremacy of governments and equality amongst parties and ideals that make the UN system unique. This will also be essential ingredients for the success of GEOSS and we believe the UN system is uniquely placed to ensure that success by providing the institutional framework for its implementation. It can provide the framework for GEOSS
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
We whish once again to express our commitment and wish you every success in your deliberations. We have a common goal and, working together, we will succeed in making GEOSS a reality for the benefit of humanity.
Thank you
붙임자료 8 : IPTT 발표자료(10년 이행계획에서의 Governance)
붙임자료 9 : 국제협력 소그룹 공동의장(현재까지 지배구조 활동)
붙임자료 10 : IC 소그룹 공동의장( GEO Governance 코멘트 분석)



  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수39페이지
  • 등록일2011.05.12
  • 저작시기2011.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#676749
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