증가하는 10대 미혼모에 대한 사회적 지지망을 이용한 사회복지 서비스에 대한 연구
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해당 자료는 7페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
7페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. 미혼모의 정의
2. 미혼모의 현황
3. 미혼모의 사회적 지지체계
4. 10대 미혼모 사례분석
1) 사례분석 1
2) 사례분석 2
3) 사례분석 3
5. 미혼모 지원 기관 사례
1) 기관사례 1: 애란원
2) 기관사례 2: 구세군 두리홈


t. Moreover, there is a clear lack of teenage pregnancy prevention programs. Unfortunately, in the absence of proper responses to the teen pregnancy issue, unwanted infants of teenage mothers are mostly likely either adopted by stable families or admitted to adoption facilities/agencies. Under rare circumstances, teen mothers and their parents willfully step up to raise their children. However the associated psychological and economical burdens that arise from raising unwanted children occasionally lead to family discord or dysfunction. And as for the children, the stigma of illegitimacy along with economic poverty would hound and potentially drive them to partake in criminal activities in their later lives.
Hence, the single motherhood issue involves not only the pregnant individuals but their off springs, immediate family members and partners among other problematic factors. It thus leads us to not simply dismiss the single motherhood issue as a by-product of the society-wide erosion of sexual ethics. Instead, only upon acceptance of the issue as our own can we reinstate ethical values and institute preventative measures as well as proper welfare programs to care for single mothers when such cases occur.
Against this backdrop of rapidly increasing single motherhood cases lies the so-called “1st buffer zone” or the collapse of traditional family roles. With the number of actively full-time working parents on the rise, their children are at risk of being misled without adequate parental discretion and education to impart knowledge to them. School is where kids spend most of their time in their youth, and therefore it should be up to educational institutions such as school to take up the crucial role of properly educating children and controlling the flow of knowledge to them in lieu of their busy working parents. Consulting with teachers may serve a remedial purpose, thereby boosting self-esteem and confidence in single teen mothers who are often stigmatized. A big part of rehabilitation of single teen mothers should include the subject of self-reliance. As many single teen mothers undergo economic hardship, local communities and all levels of government must extend financial support to them. Local communities may conduct research and collect all relevant data on their needs and financial situations, whereas government entities can deliver support based on the data results. Provision of vocational training or offering jobs are part of several alternative ways government can support single teen mothers.
In sum, the essay covered the discussions on the deterioration of the “1st buffer zone” and the resulting teenage pregnancy issue and came to a conclusion that restoring the “1st buffer zone” is the most viable solution to the issue. But once the “1st buffer zone” gets breached, there needs to be alternative buffer zones that will successfully replace the first. Finally, the replacing buffer zones must be integrated in a well manageable fashion.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2012.05.17
  • 저작시기2012.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#747166
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