Analogy and the Spirit in the Theology of Karl Barth
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This is a densely argued and not always transparently clear investigation of the structure of Barth's doctrine of analogy. Frei probes the doctrinal and philosophical resources on which Barth drew, and asks whether he avoided the pitfalls associated with the idealist language that he appropriated for his dogmatic purposes.

The piece was not originally included in the Yale Divinity School archive of Hans Frei's papers, but Charles Campbell came across a typescript and supplied me with a photocopy. The text is undated, but I would tentatively ascribe it to the late 50s or early 60s: in style it resembles Frei's 1956 thesis more than any other of his writings; Frei quotes the English translation of Church Dogmatics II/1 (1957), but the introduction is phrased in such a way as to suggest that it was written before Barth's death in 1968; and Frei mis-attributes the phrase 'God-intoxicated man' to Herder (as he did in his doctoral thesis, unlike his correct attribution to Novalis in 'Karl Barth - Theologian' in 1969).[1] I am grateful to Hester Higton for preparing an electronic text from the photocopy. CPH 1960a.

For the understanding of Karl Barth one will do well to bear in mind the word with which Herder once characterized Spinoza: He is a God-intoxicated man. Why, for example, does it appear to be so difficult for Barth and Bultmann to get into significant conversation, at least to the point of significant disagreement? In large part the answer is that the two men's 'scent for


analogy, the act of being conformed, an expression! of a Christomonistic system in which Christ is the subject-spirit in whose objectivity to himself all men have a presence in his sight? Or is the act of analogy the expression! of an abiding duality between divine and human spirit in which God and man are present to each other in untranscended objectivity.
[1] See 'The Doctrine of Revelation in the Thought of Karl Barth, 1909-1922: The Nature of Barth's Break with Liberalism' (Yale, 1956), p.555; cf. 'Karl Barth: Theologian' in Hans W. Frei, TN, p.171. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations has 'ein Gottbetrunkener Mensch' attributed to Novalis speaking about Spinoza (Friedrich Leopold, Baron von Hardenberg, 1772-1801), but provides no reference.
[2] KD II/1, p.203, Frei's translation; cf. CD II/1, p.181. Cf. H. Bouillard, Karl Barth: Parole de Dieu et Existence Humaine, vol. 2, pp.178ff.
[3] KD III/2, pp.378f, Frei's translation; cf. CD III/2. pp.399-400; cf. Hans Urs von Balthasar, Karl Barth. Darstellung und Deutung seiner Theologie (Einsiedeln: Johannes Verlag, 1976), pp.148-68; English translation: The Theology of Karl Barth: Exposition and Interpretation, tr. E.T. Oakes (San Francisco: Communio, 1992).
[4] Cf. KD II/1, p.11; CD II/1, p.13.
[5] KD II/1, p.270, Frei's translation; cf. CD II/1, p.239.
[6] KD II/1, p.254; CD II/1, p. 225.
[7] Cf. KD II/1, p.58; CD II/1. pp.54-5.
[8] KD II/1, p.213, Frei's translation; cf. CD II/1, p.190.
[9] Cf. H. Volk, 'Die Christologie bei Karl Barth und Emil Brunner' in A. Grillmeier and H. Bacht, Das Konzil von Chalkedon (Wurzburg: Echter-Verlag, 1954) vol. III, p.634.
[10] Cf. KD II/1, pp.291ff; CD II/1, pp.257ff.
[11] KD III/2, pp.382f, Frei's translation; cf. CD III/2, pp.402-3.
[12] CD II/1, p.674; cf. KD III/3, pp.166ff, CD III/3, pp.154ff.
[13] CD I/1, p.475.
[14] Von Balthasar, Karl Barth, pp.213ff.
[15] Ibid, pp.213f.
[16] Zurich: Evangelischer Verlag/Zollikon, 1952; English translation: Karl Barth, Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century: Its Background and History, tr. Brian Cozens and John Bowden (London: SCM, 1972).
[17] Barth, Die Protestantische Theologie, pp.422f.
[18] Cf. KD I/1, pp.24ff; CD 1/1, pp.25ff.
[19] KD II/1, p.296; CD II/1, p.264.
[20] KD II/1, p.340; CD II/1, p.302.
[21] KD II/1, pp.297, 299; CD II/1, pp.265, 267.
[22] KD II/1, p.299; CD II/1, p.267.
[23] KD II/1, pp.299-300; CD II/1, p.267.
[24] KD II/1, p.300; CD II/1, p.267.
[25] KD II/1, p.301; CD II/1, p.268.
[26] KD II/1, p.319; CD II/1, p.284-5.
[27] KD II/1, p.320; CD II/1, p.285.
[28] KD II/1, p.321; CD II/1, p.286.
[29] KD II/1, p.301; CD II/1, p.268.
[30] KD II/1, p.257; CD II/1, p.228.
[31] KD II/1, p.258; CD II/1, p.228.
[32] KD II/1, p.258; CD II/1, p.229.
[33] [Johannes Andreas Quenstedt (1617-88), Lutheran dogmatician.]
[34] KD II/1, p.270; CD II/1, p.239.
[35] KD I/1, pp.232f, 253.
[36] Ibid, p.251.
[37] Cf. KD III/2, p.291.


  • 가격10,000
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.13
  • 저작시기2010.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#803654
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