스포츠 경영의 조직관리 과정에 관한 연구 (스포츠경영 체육경영)
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Macintosh, D.(1989). Organization and Management, McGrawittill Kogakusha, p.230.
Landers, D.(1989). Modeling in the socialization process of the black athlete, International Review of sports sociology, 9.
Peters, E.(1982). Sports, socialization and the school paper presented at the Third I.S; August. pp.63-65.
Sage. G.(1974). Characteristics of Organizational Environments and perceived. U.I.S., 112.
Scholtz, G.,(1989). Attitude of urban south african toward of future toward of future race relation. International Review for the Sociology of sports, 19. p.73.
Watson, R.(1990). A revisit to social and cultural preconditions for top level sports. International Review for the sociology of sports, 23. pp.176-179.
A Study on the Organizational Process its Efficiency Management of Sports
Lim, Cheung-Hee Park, Yong-Ran
You, Young-Chang Lee, Yong-Man
The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of some organizational properties on the efficiency of public administration of sports for all in municipalities in terms of contingency view, that is the study was to investigate the relation between the task environment and the organizational properties and is efficiency.
Organizational properties was discussed from the degree of precision of the action program, the distribution of power, the type of communication and integration.
Thought it sports for all thus had good efficiency indicated the following properties
1. The tend to have an organic or flexible action program irrespective of task environment.
2. With regard to the distribution of power, it was indicated that the council of sports promotion sports leader in community and the section chief of sports for all administration exerted a strong effect on the sports services.
3. They had frequent communication with other organization in public facilities and the top to Board of Education.
4. They tried to advice and subsidize to organization for sports in community, consequently thy were integrated with the authorities and the other organization concerned.


  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.19
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#207281
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