일조권침해에 관한 고찰
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해당 자료는 7페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
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일조권침해에 관한 고찰에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. 問題의 所在

Ⅱ. 判例의 檢討
1. 일반상업지역 내에서의 일조권 침해의 경우
2. 일조권 등을 침해 받고 있는 피해건물에 입주한 경우
3. 주거지역 내에서의 일조권 침해의 경우
4. 사찰 등의 일조방해의 경우

Ⅲ. 判例의 分析
1. 일조권 침해에 대한 배상소송의 법적구성
2. 수인한도의 판단기준
3. 일조권 침해시 손해액 산정의 기준
4. 피해자들이 거주하는 아파트 시공회사의 책임

Ⅳ. 結論




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Legal Relations from Invasion of Right to Enjoy Sunshine
-Centered on Examination of Judicial precedents-
Kim, Jung-Jin
Population growth requires efficient use of lands, and damage to the right to enjoy sunshine or to the prospect becomes remarkable issues. Although the right to enjoy sunshine is not included in typical issues of environmental invasion, issues on it have a common characteristic as a kind of environmental invasion. In other words, damage to the right to enjoy sunshine is constant like environmental invasion behaviors, and it is possible to perform invasive behaviors even by legal exercise of rights of offenders. This is an example for explaining the right to enjoy sunshine: a resident of a north building who enjoys sunshine through the space of adjacent south land is invaded of his right on the sunshine when one who has the right to use the south land builds a building or other structures that screen the sunshine, and then the resident may claim his right to have certain amount of sunshine.
Practically issues on damage to the right to enjoy sunshine should be secured through judicial redemption of rights, and therefore, Korean courts have presented relevant judicial precedents, though not plenty.
In this study the author considered the legal structure of lawsuit for claim for damages and the criteria on unbearable pain, centering on judicial precedents.
Key words: Right to enjoy sunshine, Theory of unbearable pain, Environmental invasion, Right to claim for damages, Theory of neighborhood relations, Theory of unlawful behaviors, Building in dispute
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2009.10.15
  • 저작시기2009.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#556932
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