상황별비즈니스기초영어회화 7
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상황별비즈니스기초영어회화 7에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 일반 비즈니스 주제논의

2. 비즈니스 협상 중 산업의 다양한 논의

3. 앞선 산업분야 논의

4. 비즈니스의 다양한 질문활용


should you notice and what are the shipping papers do you prepare?
28) With reference to price negotiation, in what ways do you think competition is beneficial for both parties?
29) Please tell us about experience you have had during price and contract negotiation with foreign buyers in detail. And could you explain the contract procedure?
30) In order not to discount the price of your products, what sort of actions or explanations have you implemented during price negotiations?
31) Please comment as to what are the most difficult articles in a contract from your objective point of view.
32) Would you explain the steps of a claim before going into arbitration and do you have any experiences in handling claims?
33) What kinds of claims do you met before and what are the best settlements you had taken?
34) Under what circumstances do you think manufacturers should be penalized for delays in shipment?
35) How have you initially made business contacts with foreign buyers in the past?
36) What is the most difficult thing that you have encountered in making a collect call / an overseas call / person-to-person call / a station- to- station call?
37) What are the most difficult thinks during making overseas calls on business negotiation?
38) What's the most desirable etiquette in making or receiving a call relating to business ?
39) Does your company investigate the credit of a foreign buyer before doing business with him ?
40) Generally, how have you entertained foreign buyers and have you had good business results after business negotiations?
41) From personal point of view, actually what do you think the major points in order to make a success on the International business?
42) And what do you think about your president's opinions on protectionism on the World Trade?
43) Would you tell us something about your overall management on the world market place?
44) May I ask what you think your greatest accomplishment has been since you become a general manager of the company.
45) Ultimately, what are the most important factors in the exporting products to increase the export volume?
46) In the very near future, if you establish your own company, what are your desirable management systems that you execute most?
47) Would you tell us the prospect of foreign exchange rate between the United States and Korea currently in association with the world financial situation?
48) What do you think over the problem of trace unbalance between the United States and Korea nowadays?
49) In order to make a turning point, what are the future plains or vision during you work company in the near future?
50) Taking this chance, I would be greatly appreciate it if you give me any questions or inquiry, please feel free to contact me, I will do my best to meet with your requirements. Now, are there any questions?
51) Thank you very much for your deep understanding and cooperation and sharing your precious time for the completion of our final transaction.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2013.04.03
  • 저작시기2013.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#837740
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