Ethics and Corporate Social) Problem overview and solutions to minimize these problems – in the case of Myanmar
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Ethics and Corporate Social) Problem overview and solutions to minimize these problems – in the case of Myanmar에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Overview about Myanmar
(1) Political overview
(2) Economic overview
(3) Social overview
(4) Other information
3. The level of corruption in the country
(1) Unethical issues that needs to change in the country.
1) Expulsion and suppression of Rohingya people
2) Economic crisis resulted from Expulsion of Rohingya people
3) Black market and smuggling
4) Regulation remains under democratic government
4. Strategies to minimize four problems
5. Conclusions
6. References


d its own democratic system, Myanmar still has several problems on the back of socialism and low-wage policy of military government. Furthermore, as a country that most of the people believe in Buddhism, there are some problems regarding to religion such as conflict with people who have other relious faith. The example is that suppression and expulsion of Rohingya people who is Islamic minority group having lived in the west of Myanmar. As the result of suppression, many people was slaughtered. With a resistance of the government’s behavior, many aid countries refused to interchange with Myanmar including stop financial support. The other unethical problem is that Myanmar is still one of the poorest countries in the world and there are illegal economical structure such as black market and illegal behavior(smuggling). The last problem is that the government’s regulation exist even though it accepted democratic system. In order to minimize this problem, the majority group Burmese people should accept the method to live together with Rohingya people, not hatred without any reason. Rohingya people also should not resist much for their own independence. The refuse of support will be naturally solved if this problem can be nothing. Furthermore, the most emergent solution is that Myanmar establish its own democratic system, make it more stable and all parts of country including administration, the legislative branch and the judicial branch have a functioning.
4. References
설규상. (2018). 미국의 대미얀마 정책과 미얀마 경제의 향방. 한국정치외교사논총, 39(2), 227-259.
Nwe, K., Kawata, K., & Yoshida, Y. (2018). Recent Political Change in Myanmar and Its Impact on her Economic Growth. Asian Economic Journal, 32(1), 39-54.
Fink, C. (2018). Myanmar in 2017: Insecurity and Violence.Asian Survey,58(1), 158-165.
  • 가격2,800
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2019.05.17
  • 저작시기2019.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1099563
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