영어 에세이 ) 재즈곡 30개 리스트 중에서 4개 선택해서 재즈곡을 설명
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영어 에세이 ) 재즈곡 30개 리스트 중에서 4개 선택해서 재즈곡을 설명에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


10. Fly Me To The Moon – Frank Sinatra (Vocal)
13. La Vie En Rose – Louis Armstrong (Vocal & Trumpet)
14. L-O-V-E – Nat King Cole (Vocal)
22. Wave – A.C. Jobim (composer)


1. Style - One of the famous songs by Frank Sinatra, “Fly Me To The Moon” can be categorized into many detailed and diverse parts. Its original style can be understood as one of the modern jazz formats at the era of 1960s. 2. Instrumentation - For its instrumentation, various musical instruments were utilized under the harmony. Mainly sounds we can hear come from different instruments such as flute, saxophones, trombones, trumpets, drums, and a piano. Even though many instruments were used at the same time, the song still stayed long in listeners’ memory.
  • 가격4,500
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2022.08.12
  • 저작시기2022.8
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#1178167
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