국어과 교육에서의 통합의 범위와 방식
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Ⅰ. 통합의 필요성
1. 부분과 전체
2. 통합의 필요성

Ⅱ. 통합의 범위

Ⅲ. 통합의 방식

Ⅳ. 앞으로의 방향


『교과통합의 연구』, 교육과학사.
이재승(1997), 『국어교육의 원리와 방법: 과정 중심의 국어교육』, 박이정.
James B. Ingram/배진수.이영만 옮김, 『교육과정 통합과 평생교육』, 학지사.
Busching Beverly A. & Schwartz Judith I. (ed.) (1983), Integrating the language arts in the elementary school, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Fisher Carol J. & Terry C. Ann(1982), Children's language and the language arts, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Smith F.(1979), Reading without nonsense, NY: Teachers College Press.
Stotsky S.(1983), Research on reading/writing relationships: A synthesis and suggested directions, Language Arts, 60, National Council of Teachers of English.
The Scopes and methods of integration in Korean language educaion
Shin Heon Jae, Lee Jae Seung
Researchers are interested in the integration in contexts of Korean language education, because this subject deal with language basically. Because language basically are used in real life as means of communication, this can't be divided its parts. Language must be learned as a whole. Its reasons are as followings. ① We are inclinable to being as s whole. ② Language arts are not used as a parts in real life. ③ Language arts are interrelated each other. ④ Language arts always are used in real contexts. ⑤ Language learning is occurred easily by the language experience approach(LEA).
Researchers are divided with the scopes of integration in this study as following. First revel: Integration of its revel has not the concepts of subjects. Its integration are centered on life experience. Second revel: Integration of its revel has the concepts of subjects. So this revel interest in the integration of subjects matter(interrelationship of subjects matter each other). Third revel: Integration of its revel interested in the integrations and interrelationships of language arts(listening, speaking, reading, writing). Fourth revel: Integration of its revel interested in the integration of language units(components) in a language art(example, reading) only. This study focus on the integration in the third revel(integration of language arts).
Also researchers are interested in the methods of integration in third revel. Expecially we interested in the integration of reading and writing. Its methods are divided to 'one-way methods', 'two-way methods'. The former is learning methods which reading learning are occurred after writing learning, The latter is learning methods which reading and writing are learned at the same time.
Finally Researchers proposed the assignment and the changes of direction in korean language education which are relate to the problem of integration of language arts. ① The problem of scopes of integration, ② The development of reasons of the integration of language arts, ③ Building of curriculum and textbooks focused on the integration of language arts When new curriculum are development. ④ The methods of language arts in conventional contexts(as now), ⑤ The development of evaluation methods and contents focused on the integration of language arts.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수22페이지
  • 등록일2002.01.26
  • 저작시기2002.01
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#191111
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