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les, 1993.
Muller, Albert Charles. "Hamho Kihwa: A Study of His Major Works," State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1993.
Peng, Therese (Chu-kiaw). "Meditation and Psycho-Spiritual Transformation: A Phenomenological Study of Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism and Chistian Mysticism," California Institute of Integral Studies, 1993.
Wang, Li-ji. "Pointing to the Moon: Zen Influences in Three Plays by Jwang Mei-shu," Brigham Young University, 1993.
Acginn, Molly Ann. "Spring in the Stone Garden: One Japanese Monastic Community's Attempt to Return to the 'Oroginal Spirit' of Zen," university of California, Los Angeles, 1994.
Disayavanish, Primprao. "The Effect of Buddhist Insight Meditation on Stress Anxiety," Illinois State University, 1994.
Hershock, Peter Damian. "Liberating Intimacy: Communicative Virtuosity and the Realized Sociality of Ch'an Enlightenment," University of Hawaii, 1994.
Hitchcock, Lucy Virginia. "The Development of an Organizational Model for Congregational Growth and Social Mission Inspired by Ecclesial Base Communities in Central America," Hartford Seminary, 1994.
Morris, Stephen Raymond. "Beyond Religion: Transcendentalism and Zen Answers for Today," California Institute of Integral Studies, 1994.
Yun, Woncheol. "On the Theory of Sudden Enlightenment and Sudden Practice in Korean Buddhism: Texts and Contexts of the Subitist/Gradualist Debates Regarding Sonmun Chongno," State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1994.
Zahler, Leah Judith. "The Concentrations and Formless Absorptions in Mahayana Buddhism: Ge-luk Tibetan Interpretations," University of Virginia, 1994.
Tien, Po-yao. "A Modern Buddhist Monk-Reformer in China: The Life and Thought of Yin-shun," California Institute of Integral Studies, 1995.
Wallace, Bruce Alan. "The Cultivation of Sustained Voluntary Attention in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism," Stanford University, 1995.
Iibachi, Kazuko. "Meditation in Zen Buddhism," The Union Institute, 1996.
Kopf, Gereon. "Beyond Personal Identity: Rethinking a Dominant Paradign from a Zen Perspective," Temple University, 1996.
Victoria, Brian Andre. "Zen and Japanese Militarism: A Critical Inquiry into the Roots of 'Imperial Way-Zen,'" Temple University, 1996.
Wu, Chao-ti. "Chinese Ch'an Buddhist Monasticism and Its Teaching," California Institute of Integral Studies, 1996.
Yifa. "The Rules of Purity for the Chan Monastery: An Annotated Translation and Study of the Chanyuan Qinggui," Yale University, 1996.
Homans, Peter. "Why Do Americans Practice Zen Buddhism?," The University of Chicago, 1997.
Petteson, James D. "Negotiating the Way: A Spiritual Journey," The Union Institute, 1997.
Amell, Katrin Viveka Magdalena. "Contemplation and Dialogue: Examples of Spiritualities in Dialogue Emerging after the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II)," Uppsala Universitet (Sweden), 1998.
Gopfert, Caryl Reimer. "Student Experiences of Betrayal in the Zen Buddhist Teacher/Student Relationship," Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, 1999.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수18페이지
  • 등록일2002.01.28
  • 저작시기2002.01
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#191137
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