체험중심 인성교육의 이념과 실제
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1. 문제의 제기

2. 인성교육의 의미

3. 인성교육과 교과교육, 그리고 도덕교육

4. 인성교육의 현실적 필요

5. 인성교육에 있어서 실천과 체험의 의미

6. 인성교육의 실제 : 체험중심 인성교육 운영시의 고려 사항들


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김영인(1995). 인성 교육의 가능성과 한계. 교육개발 통권93호.
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교육부(1997). '98 사랑이 넘치는 교실 - 제4회 전국 인성교육 연구 발표대회 인성교육 실천 사례집 1, 2등급.
대통령자문 교육개혁위원회(1995). 세계화·정보화 시대를 주도하는 신교육체제 수립을 위한 교육개혁방안 : 제2차 대통령 보고서.
미림여자고등학교(1999). 체험중심 인성교육 세부 추진 계획.
박병기(1998). 인성교육의 성공을 위한 부모의 역할과 책임. 대통령자문 새교육공동체위원회 편, 교육개혁 국민대토론회 제2의 교육입국을 위한 새학교문화 창조.
박종현 역주(1997). 플라톤의 국가. 서광사.
손봉호(1995). 인성교육 : 필요, 성격, 방법, 철학과 현실, 겨울호.
이홍우(1998). 제6판 교육의 목적과 난점. 교육과학사.
조난심(1995). 인성 교육과 도덕 교과서, 철학과 현실, 겨울호.
조난심·이종태(1997). 인간 교육의 개념 정립을 위한 연구. 교육철학 제18집.
최병태(1996). 덕과 규범 - 도덕교육의 이해. 교육과학사.
홍은숙(1999). 지식과 교육. 교육과학사.
Aristoteles, Ethics, 최명관 역(1983). 니코마코스 윤리학, 세계사상교양전집. 을유문화사.
Dewey, J., The School and Society, 이인기 역(1981). 학교와 사회. 박영사.
Pestalozzi, H., Die Abendstunde eines Einsiedlers, 김정환 역(1972). 은자의 황혼. 서문당.
'Experience-Based Education for Humanity':
Its Ideals and Practices
Cha Kyun Shin
Since 1995, 'experience-based education for humanity' has been a popular issue among Korean educators. But its nature has not been fully discussed and its meaning has not been clearly defined. The purpose of this essay is to examine the ideals and practices of so-called 'experience-based education for humanity'.
This essay clarifies the nature of 'experience-based education for humanity' as a kind of character education, and the methodological aspect of which is made of internalizing desirable social norms. So I propose to define it as 'a minimum essential part of education for forming socially desirable human character rather than character education itself'.
To clarify the nature of 'experience-based education for humanity', the relations of it to subjects-based education and to moral education are examined. Differences among them are also discussed. It is asserted that the final goal of 'experience-based education for humanity' is not differ from that of subjects-based education, and that the boundary of it goes far beyond narrowly defined 'moral education'.
Then the actual needs of 'experience-based education for humanity' and the significance of direct experiences in it are discussed. I argue that current subjects-based education, the major part of which comprises imparting instrumental knowledge, cannot fully internalize social norms which are required in ordinary life. Social norms can only be acquired effectively by pervasive practices in which teachers engage. It is also insisted that unlike comparted subjects-based education, the emphasis of direct experiences in education will effectively bring about integrity of a whole-person.
Finally, some practical considerations on 'experience-based education for humanity' are discussed. I suggest that for the effective implementation of 'experience-based education for humanity' a long-term planning of it, the development of various programs which are integrated into ordinary life of students, and active involvement of students are necessarily needed.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수21페이지
  • 등록일2002.04.08
  • 저작시기2002.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#192700
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