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I. 집단응집성의 개념과 관련연구들 3. 집단자체를 신뢰하기
Ⅱ. 집단응집성에 관한 경험적 연구 4. 집단환경과 구성을 위한 배려
1.집단응집성과 집단상담결과에 관한 연구 Ⅴ. 집단응집성과 신뢰를 촉진하는 방법
2.집단응집성과 치료적 요인들 1. 응집성을 촉진하는 방법들
3.집단응집성과 지도자 역할 2. 신뢰형성을 위한 태도와 활동들
Ⅲ. 응집성발달과 특징 3. 신뢰형성을 돕는 구체적인 방법
Ⅳ. 신뢰형성 ·참고문헌
1.집단원을 신뢰하기 ·영문요약
2.점진적으로 깊은 신뢰관계에 이르기


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Yalom, I. D.(1985). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy. (3rd ed.). New York: Basic Books.
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The Development of Cohesion and the Trust in the Group Counseling
Myoung-kwon Kim
Professor, Gyeongsang University
The purpose of this study as to investigate the group cohesion, its development and trust in group counseling for facilitating the group process. As the definition of cohesion is not clear, researchers need to separate the concept into specific concepts such as attraction and bonding, support an caring, listening and empathy, self-disclosure and feedback, and process performance and goal attainment. It was found that the cohesion and the therapeutic alliance appeared to be closely connected. The effects of group counseling did correlate highly with the cohesion measured at the initial stage. The group cohesion is a central characteristic of the working stage. At this stage, the cohesion facilitate the action-oriented behaviors such as self-disclosure, immediacy, mutual communication, confrontation, risk-taking behaviors and actions lead by insights.
The experience of being accepted and trusted by someone else has an enormous healing effect. In order to build trust in a group, leaders have to help members become aware, accept and trust their inner experience. First of all, the leaders are supposed to make efforts to create the safe and permissive climate which allows the group participants to express themselves freely. Leaders should have a deep sense of trust in the group's ability to develop its own potential by moving in a constructive direction as they should have in an individual. To trust the group means to respect each member as he/she is without judgment and direct intervention. The best way of facilitating the group cohesion and the trust is not to use specific techniques but to maintain consistently leaders' basic attitudes such as caring, acceptance, genuineness and empathy.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수19페이지
  • 등록일2002.08.07
  • 저작시기2002.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#200782
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