미술교육에 있어서 수공예의 중요성
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Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 본론
1. 위기의 시대와 문화
2. 예술과 기술의 문제
3. 손작업과 인간성
4. 손과 조형
5. 미술교육에 있어서 촉각교육
6. 미술교육에 있어서 수공예

Ⅲ. 결론

* 참고문헌
* 영문초록



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박철준. 1996. 예능교육. 한국방송대학교 출판부. 302.
임연웅(편저). 1988. 현대디자인론. 학문사. 91-92.
리드. H(저), 정시화(역). 1952. 디자인론. 미진사. 1979. 21. 203-204.
멈포오드. L(저), 김문환(역). 1953. 예술과 기술. 을유문화사. 1979. 77, 175.
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요하네스 잇텐(저), 언정언(옮김). 1975. 디자인과 형태. 미진사. 1985. 34.
유종열(저), 민병산(역). 1954. 공예문화. 신구문화사. 1976. 102, 300.
한스 M. 방글러(저), 김윤수(옮김). 1962. 바우하우스. 미진사. 1978. 6.
전광수, 1995. "조형에 있어서 촉각 체험교육의 중요성,"
부산교육대학교 초등교육연구소 제7집. 181.
相川春喜. 1936. 技術論. 東京三笠書房. 45-118.
David A. Hamburg. 1959. "Relevance of Recent Evolutionary Changes to Human Stress Biology," mimeographed publication of the National Institute of Mental Health. 11-12.
Gyorgy Kepes. 1965. The Nature and Art of Motion, George Braziller, N,Y. 1.
Hebert Read. 1947. The Grass Roots of Arts. London & New York. 69-72.
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The Importance of Hand Craft from Art Education
Jeon, Kwang-Soo
The inescapable attribute of our time is its runaway pace. Tidal wave of traffic pound us; sprawling cities and exploding populations, an information-oriented society squeeze us. Art need in the time of the modern. The value of the art will depended on the dept of the human feeling. And so art must be completed art for life's shake and art for pleasure's shake.
The values of art may be psychological value - the values arising out of our common human sympathies and interests, and even those arising out of our subconscious life.
Art activity is the expression of feeling ; it is emotion cultivating harmonious life and beauty life.
Art education is a well-known for rearing of the sense. The sense education from art go far toward recovery of the human nature.
The purpose of this study consist in correct understanding the importance of a hand-made through the activity of touch sense. Taking forward, identify importance of the hand craft from Art education. Hand craft lessons gave children an opportunity of a hand-made themselves through experience activity by touch sense.
1. The stage of a crisis and culture -
The last accelerated decades of history span what used to be centuries of technical progress and centuries of economic and social advancement or regression.
2, The problem of art and skill -
The skill out of art must based on a sensibility human nature.
3, Hand-made and human nature -
A creativity process need physical(manual) labor.
4, Hands an plastic -
The value hand-made is humanistic, the hands activity gave a
beautiful character from a work of art and a psychological satisfaction.
5, Touch sense from art education -
The experience in the objects and skill must perceive in general through the mental, heart, hands, eyes.
6, The function of hand craft from art education -
Hand craft bear biological instinct and play instinct through the manual labor of the making process. It is actualization of the will to human life.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.08
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#205738
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