남북한 실존주의문학 수용 비교 연구 : 북한문학
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Ⅰ. 문제의 성격

Ⅱ. 남북한 실존주의 수용 과정 및 대립 양상

Ⅲ. 결론


1920 to 1930 in Korea. After the independence from Japan, Kim Dong-seok, Yong Byeong-sik, and other critics regarded Existentialism as worth deliberation and thought about applying it to Korean Literature.
From 1948, North and South Korean critics shows absolutely different attitueds to the Existentialism. Son Woo-seong, Yang Byeong-sik, Kim Bung-gu, Jeong Myeong-whan in South, Kim Gyeong-ho, Gye book, Lee Sang-hyeong, Park Young-geun in North took the lead in developing and criticizing the theory.
The understanding of Existentialism of both sides are totally different, so they show a lot of opposing viewpoint through the whole aspects. Specially, their main opposing parts are the object of Existentialism, individualism, freedom, nihilism and anti-realism.
South critics put the object of Existentialism on escaping out of the contradictions of life which is full of absurdities and abolishing the interval between thinking and acting, so they try to improve individual freedom. On the contrary, North critics think of Existentialism as the theory that was made to decrease masses' revolutionary ideas.
In North Korea, existentialism place the focus more on the selfishness and isolationism than individual freedom. South existentialist also indicated that it cannot be the way to overcome the feeling of uneasiness. And they considered Existentialism as Individualism or Sentimentalism.
To existentialist, freedom is not what we have to seek and obtain but what we are given. This notion prevailed among South Korea critics. To North Korean critics, however, freedom is just a void illusion and the concept of freedom in Existentialism is also entirely illusion. And freedom is for the interests of Bourgeoisie and it support Fascism. Both of them criticize Existentialism of Heidegger and Sartre and they believe that it cause only nihilism. Even though their explanations seem to be apparently similar, but they have different viewpoints on the acception of nihilism. "To be driven to despair" is the point of view of North' and "To overcome it" is for South'.
Existentialism is inevitably anti-realism, because it is fundamentally ideologic, accidental, individual. Therefore this anti-realism is usually pointed out and regarded as natural not only by North critics but also by South critics. By the way, some existentialists in South Korea says that it is realistic because it has the feature of engagement and resistance. But basically, realistic feature of Existentialism cannot be argued.
Existentialism had expectations for the relief of crowd, eventually it wasn't achieved. Everybody knew that the recovery was impossible. But the fact was overlooked that existentialism didn't have any way to relieve the anxiety and appeal not to the reason of masses but to the feeling, so they dazzled most of crowd.
Therefore existentialism should be regarded as passing ideology to comfort people in desperate situation. But such a opinion didn't prevail in both sides, North & South.
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수23페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.18
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#207109
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