노인의 스포츠활동 참여와 행복감간의 관계
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The Relationship Between Sport Participation and Happiness of The Elderly
Kim, Hong-Baek
The purpose of this study is to examine relationship between happiness and sports activity, to provide empirical data which would contribute to improving happiness of the elderly.
The subjects of were 827 elder males and females who participate and not participate in sports activity. They was selected by stratified cluster random sampling method among the elderly aged 65 or above who dwell in Kwang-Ju, Chun-Nam and Chun-Buk.
The measure of happiness in this study consisted of Positive and Negative Affect which emphasize the emotional component of happiness.
The instrument of this study was Positive and Negative affect Scales(PANAS) developed by Watson, Clark & Tellgen(1988).
The statistical techniques used this study were ANCOVA, Regression for analyzing the collected data, The results of this study were as the follows :
1. The happiness(positive and negative affect) of the elderly were different as a function of the sociodemographic characteristics such as sex, satisfaction of health, satisfaction of family, except who live together.
2. The happiness(positive and negative affect) of the elderly who participate in sports activity were higher than that of non-participant in sports activity.
3. The happiness(positive and negative affect) of the elderly who participate in sports activity were partially different as a function of participation style of sports activity such as sports game, participation methods, participation frequency, participation duration, participation time.
In conclusion, participation of sports activity of the elderly contribute to improve the happiness, But based on participation style of sports activity.
The future research is a much needed complement to the study of sports activity to improving the happiness of the elderly.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수18페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.19
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#207258
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