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I. 머리말

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III. 교육의 패러다임 변화와 방송인력개발의 전환

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A Study on Strategies for Human Resources Development
in Educational Broadcasting
Kwon, Sung Ho
The continuous advancement of computer and communication technology force changes in educational paradigm and offer different forms of education. With these technological and social changes, proper media integration is one of the major tasks for the educators. In the information society information is produced and transmitted through electronic media. These trends escalates the role and effects of media in education. Furthermore, the new information communication technology that integrated broadcasting, and human resources development(HRD) is at the core to strategically develop creative and independent thinkers in broadcasting field.
For the successful implementation of HRD in educational broadcasting, both educational and broadcasting communities must study collaboratively to improve educational environment and develop instructional media and programs. This research paper attempt to address three questions to identify strategies for HRD in educational broadcasting based on theories and methods used in educational technology: (1) what are the present tasks in HRD in educational broadcasting? (2) how will changes in educational paradigm influence changes in educational broadcasting paradigm? (3) what are the process of HRD in educational broadcasting?
As a conclusion, with the use of educational technological approaches, in HRD in educational broadcasting should apply systematic instructional design to develop contents, utilize multimedia and new information mediated media, and create flexible and efficient educational administrative organizations. Futhermore, development of multimedia educational resources support system and interactive educational resources integrating computers, multimedia, and databases could be utilized for HRD in educational broadcasting. All of these can only be accomplished with efficient management of Human Resources Information Center, and active participation and leadership from both broadcasting and educational communities.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2003.01.23
  • 저작시기2003.01
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#220181
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