김인향전 주인공의 인격적 성향과 가정비극의 상관성 - 계모형 가정소설-
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1. 서론

2. 서사의 전·후 분단성과 구조적 특성

3. 인물의 인성적 특성과 비극의 형상
1) 모성고착과 개아 지향성
2) 아노미(Anomie)성 현실과 소외로서의 죽음

4. 죽음의 문학적 처리와 윤리구도

5. 결론



이다. 혈연주의 맥락과 관련된 편애요소가 제거되어 있고, 시대 반영적인 경제적 욕망 내지, 계모의 立地와 관련된 가계계승 또한 갈등의 핵심으로 작용하지 않고 있다. 그만큼 「김인향전」은 당대의 사회·제도적 모순이라는 일률적인 잣대로서 쉽게 가늠될 수 없는 문제의식과 獨創의 一端을 보여주는 작품이다.
Relationship between the heroine's characteristic disposition and the family's tragedy in
Kim In-Hyang Cheon
- in relation to the step-mother type novel
Han, Sang-Hyon
This study is to ascertain who is to blame for the responsibility of the family's tragedy through the characteristic defects of the heroine who has been regarded as a model of virtue, while it seems that the responsibility of the family's tragedy lies with the step-mother as well as the systematic contradiction. By using the psychological method of complex, I experimentally have studied the Kim In-Hyang Cheon from the point of view in which the responsibility lies with the daughter of the former wife also.
Such a method, I can confirmed the fact is that the heroine's complex related to her real mother's death had been developed before the step-mother came into the house. Examining the complex through her disguised formality, unconscious dreams and conscious behaviors, it shows that they(her disguised formality, unconscious dreams and conscious behaviors) have the adherences to her real mother in common. After all, this proves that her good behaviors to her step-mother are just superficial.
Secondly, I examined the heroine's character, which is characterized as norm-oriented character, isolation and alienation. This is proved by the lack of collective-sentiment and selfish-suicide. And after her death, the appearance of the ghost is related to the heroine's morbid character which came from the changed circumstances. Accordingly, the heroine's death revealed in the first half of the novel shows the characteristics of ideological human being who was isolated because of not adapting herself to the change of the times. This proves that the heroine is to blame for the tragedy of the family.
In the latter part, I came to conclusion that the heroine's death and the family's tragedy was caused by the ideological desire. The story was thought to end with her death, but the story makes a fresh development right after her death. Freeing herself from isolation and alienation changed her life drastically. After her death, the writer's ethical structure can be judged through the mystic and novel nature and revenge. In addition, in comparison with the subject in the first half, the writer's intentions can be also found in several parts of the story.
Therefore, the cause of the heroine's death and the family's tragedy is quite different from the superficial described by punishment and resuscitation in the latter part of the story. If the step-mother's malignancy, which was premised in the beginning of the story, is removed, the first half part of the story reflects changed social standing. In this respect, the heroine's death is just a girl's tragedy which was originated from her own characteristic defects and ethical rigidity.


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수37페이지
  • 등록일2003.02.28
  • 저작시기2003.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#221293
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