~여왕 마고~를 통해 본 종교와 권력갈등
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~여왕 마고~를 통해 본 종교와 권력갈등에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I. 영화의 배경 ~ 종교개혁과 정치, 사회적 권력간의 갈등.

II. ·여왕 마고·와 역사적 배경

III. 여왕 마고 그 내용은...

IV. 분석 : 종교대립과 권력갈등....그리고 이를 보여주는 영화내용분석
i) 신교와 구교의 갈등
ii) 대립과 권력
iii) 권력갈등과 그 화해점 모색

V. 영화내용을 통한 분석 정리 및 나의 의견.



은 짐이 뜻하고 있는 바대로 신민(臣民)들의 뜻을 보다 효과적으로 통합하기 위하여, 그리고 장래 있을 수 있는 모든 불만 사항을 제거하기 위하여 앞서 말한 소위 개혁 교회를 믿는다고 고백하거나 고백하게 될 모든 사람들이 … 모든 반대되는 서약에도 불구하고 … 짐의 왕국에 속한 도시 내에서 … 어떠한 것이든 모든 공적인 지위와 명예와 직책과 의무를 담당하고 행사할 수 있다고 선언하노라.
Henry IV Recognizes Huguenot Religious Freedom
By the Edict of Nantes (April 13, 1598) Henry IV recognized Huguenot religious freedoms and the rights of Protestants to participate in French public institutions. Here are some of its provisions.
We have by this perpetual and irrevocable Edict pronounced, declared, and ordained and we pronounce, declare and ordain :
Art. I. Firstly, that the memory of everything done on both sides from the beginning of the month of March, 1585, until our accession to the Crown and during the other previous troubles, and at the outbreak of them, shall remain extinct and suppressed, as if it were something which had never occurred …
Art. II. We forbid all our subjects, of whatever rank and quality they may be, to renew the memory of these matters, to attack, be hostile to, injure or provoke each other in revenge for the past, whatever may be the reason and pretext … but let them restrain themselves and live peaceably together as brothers, friends, and fellow-citizens …
Art. III. We ordain that the Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman religion shall be restored and re-established in all places and districts of this our kingdom and the countries under our rule, where its practice has been interrupted …
Art. VI. And we permit those of the so-called Reformed religion to live and dwell in all the towns and districts of this our kingdom and the countries under our rule, without being annoyed, disturbed, molested or constrained to do anything against their conscience, or for this cause to be sought out in their houses and districts where they wish to live, provided that they conduct themselves in other respects to the provisions of our present Edict …
Art. XXI. Books dealing with the matters of the aforesaid so-called Reformed religion shall not be printed and sold publicly, except in the towns and districts where the public exercise of the said religion is allowed …
Art. XXII. We ordain that there shall be no difference or distinction, because of the aforesaid religion, in the reception of students to be instructed in Universities, Colleges, and schools, or of the sick and poor into hospitals, infirmaries, and public charitable institutions …
Art. XXVII. In order to reunite more effectively the wills of our subjects, as is our intention, and to remove all future complaints, we declare that all those who profess or shall profess, the aforesaid so-called Reformed religion are capable of holding and exercising all public positions, honours, offices, and duties whatsoever … in the towns of our kingdom … notwithstanding all contrary oaths.
- Church and State Through the Centuries : A Collection of Historic Documents, trans. and ed. by S. Z. Ehler and John B. Morrall (New York : Biblo and Tannen, 1967), pp. 185-187.
  • 가격3,800
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2004.04.07
  • 저작시기2004.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#245781
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