영어 형용사 정리
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영어 형용사 정리에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




n the bath.
⒜ He is not in. ⒝ He's not available.
⒞ You've got a wrong number. ⒟ Hang up the phone.
3. 아래의 우리말을 가장 적절하게 영어로 표현한 것은 ?[서울산업대]
“당신은 거기에 언제 가시는 게 편리 하시겠습니까 ?”
⒜ When shall you be convenient to go there ?
⒝ When will you go there conveniently ?
⒞ When to go there will be convenient to you ?
⒟ When will it be convenient for you to go there ?
형용사 종합 문제
* 다음 빈 칸형은 알맞은 것을, 밑줄 형은 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
1. The Bluegrass Country around Lexington, Kentucky, is the home of much of
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
the world's finest race horses.

2. The meaning of his message was ( ).(카토릭)
⒜ unclear⒝ uncleared⒞ unclearing⒟ unclearly
3. The ⒜ explanation for the ⒝ explosioning force of volcanoes ⒞ lies in ⒟ the pressure of the gases ⒠ imprisoned within the molten rock.
4. “I hope we don’t miss the beginning of the film.”
“I think we’ll d to see it.”(경기대)
⒜ enough early arrive⒝ early enough arrive
⒞ arrive enough early⒟ arrive early enough
5. Electronic games, much of which can be powerful instructional tools, are ⒜ ⒝
becoming more and more prevalent with the proliferation of computers in
⒞ ⒟
6. He was enough kind to show me the way to the post office.(세종대)
⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟
7. Moonquakes originating at deep of some 800 kilometers indicate that the Moon
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
has considerable rigidity and is not molten at such levels. [동덕여대]

8. Scientists are searching for the oldest d because it can teach them a great deal about many matters.
⒜ tree alive ⒝ tree lively ⒞ tree live ⒟ alive tree
9. Some antibiotics used in the treatment of human disease are like only in
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
that they are obtained from fungi and bacteria.

10. Goethe placed before me a landscape by Rubens. “You have already seen
this picture,” said he, “but nobody can look often enough at b .”
⒜ anything really excellent ⒝ really excellent anything
⒞ really anything excellent ⒟ excellent anything really
11. The store that is opposite over the road there is another store selling such
⒜ ⒝ ⒞

12. Biologists and anthropologists possess a wealth of evidence to indicate that
⒜ ⒝
human beings arose from lower forms of life over a time long period.
⒞ ⒟
13. I don't think that his proposal is a .
⒜ worthy reconsideration ⒝ worth reconsideration
⒞ worth of reconsideration ⒟ worthy to reconsider
14. “Why didn't you use that ?”
“Because it wasn't a to fit it.”
⒜ good enough ⒝ enough good
⒞ as enough good ⒟ good as enough
15. The bowl-shaped form of the kettledrum c half of an enormous eggshell.
[95. 세종대]
⒜ looks rather like ⒝ looks like rather
⒞ that looks like rather ⒟ that looks rather like
16. “What has she done ?” “Does she have b collected information?”
⒜ many⒝ lots of
⒞ a lot⒟ a number of
17. According to a recent report, the number of sugar that Americans consume
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
does not vary significantly from year to year.

18. 다음 영작이 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
이 반지는 아주 비싸다.
⒜ The price of this ring is very dear.
⒝ This ring is very high-priced.
⒞ The price of this ring is very high.
⒟ This ring is very dear.
  • 가격1,700
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2004.05.25
  • 저작시기2004.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#246680
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