헤겔 자유주의 방법론 로크 홉스 칸트
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1. 문제 제기
2. 자연법의 경험적 취급 방식에 대한 헤겔의 비판
3. 자연법의 형식적 취급방식에 대한 헤겔의 비판
4. 인륜성 범주의 연역의 의미


f modern natural law”, in: A.Wylleman (ed.), Hegel on the ethical life, religion and philosophy. Louvain Philosophical studies 3, 1989.
Philip J. Kain (1998), Hegel's Critique of Kantian Practical Reason, in: Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 28, 1998.
Pinkard, "Virtues, Morality, and Sittlichkeit", European Journal of Philosophy 7:2, 1999.
Pippin (1997) : Robert B. Pippin, “Ethical Reasons, Kantian Rejoinders”, in: Idealism as Modernism, Cambridge Uni. 1997.
Steven B. Smith, Hegel's Critique of Liberalism, Chicago Uni. 1989.
Taylor, "Hegel's Ambigouos Legacy for Modern Liberalism", in: Hegel and Legal Philosophy, 1991.
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan.
W. H. Walsh, Hegelian Ethics, Macmillan ST Martin's Press, 1969.
Williams (1997) : Robert R. Williams, Hegel's Ethics of Recognition, University of California Press, 1997.
Hegel's Criticism on Two Ways of Scientific Treatment of Liberalism and the Deduction of Ethical Life Category : on the focus of Hegel's "Natural Law" Essay
Hong, Young-Doo
In a Hegel's early Essay, the "Natural Law", Hegel criticizes the empirical treatment way of early modern times' Hobbes and Locke and so on and Kant's formal one about Natural Law as follows. The empirical treatment way of Natural Law presents the several moments of the absolute Ethical Life, but distorts this. Whereas Hegel criticizes that Kant's formal treatment way of Natural Law presupposes the atomistic social theory, and seperates the natural state and social state. Because Kant's practical philosophy did not draw an attention to the moment of indifference of the absolute Ethical Life. On the other hand Hegel estimates that the empirical treatment way of Natural Law didn't receive the authentic meaning of the science, but Kant's formal treatment way of Natural Law caused the revolution of science by considering infiniteness as the principle of philosophy. For, according to Hegel, the philosophy fixed in finiteness does not arrive at absolute unity and it is absolute unity that forms the ultimate criterion for the nature of science. But Hegel argues that Kant's practical philosophy has not revealed the principle of infinitude, so it must be considered as an inauthentic way of scientific treatment way of Natural Law.
On such ground, Hegel argues that Natural Law theroies of early modern times and the Natural Law science of Kant should be constructed correspondently to the idea of absolute Ethical Life. Hegel presents such an arguement as the form of reductio ad absurdum. Therefore, I estimate that his course of criticizing the atomistic contractual approach of Natural Law theorists in early modern times about society and politics and Kant's formulation of universal moral law is the scheme that grounds the category or idea of Ethical Life. I have examined this estimation by reconstructing Hegel's arguments in this essay.
Subject : Social philosophy, Ethics, Theory of Social Congition
Key Words : Natural Law, Morality, Ethical Life, Kant, Hegel


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수19페이지
  • 등록일2010.03.25
  • 저작시기2001.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#593882
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