[경영학]TQM을 이용한 대학교육품질평가,모형개발을 위한 이론적 연구
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Theoretical study for development of quality assessment model
in higher education using TQM principles
TQM is a world-wide concept for the industrial sector and it is successful for the business management. Now TQM principles is extended to the service sector like healthcare, hospitality and education. Especially, the quality management of higher education is the most challengeable part, because there are lots of problem in higher education. Higher education paradigm and system can not catch up with social change and technological advances. Now it is a period of transition for informational society and Using TQM principles in higher education is one of possible alternatives for increasing educational quality.
Although we need a new paradigm for higher education and Using TQM in education is considerable, there is a little research in this field. So we need to study for core concept of TQM and application of TQM principles in higher education.
The purpose of this paper is investigate the purpose, system and situation of Higher education in South Korea and check the possibility of using TQM principles for problem solving through the theoretical review.
The conclusion of the paper is that 1) we must recheck whether the purpose of higher education is still available in informational society, and 2) TQM concepts could be an answer for problem solving in higher education, if there are some revision of several factors, and 3) higher educational quality measurement tool must be developed for improvement of quality. Maybe the development of quality measurement tool is the most challengeable and important research from now.
* Instructor, Dept of Business Administration of Kyungpook National University
  • 가격8,400
  • 페이지수18페이지
  • 등록일2012.09.25
  • 저작시기2011.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#756400
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