뇌성마비 운동발달 장애아에 대한 보이타치료법 조기적용의 효과
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뇌성마비 운동발달 장애아에 대한 보이타치료법 조기적용의 효과


운동 장애. 서울: 일조각.
Vojta V.(1972). Early diagnosis treatment of cerebral reflexes in the development of movement. 450-476.
Vojta V.(1974). Die zerebralen Bewegunsstorungen im Sauglingsalter. In 박동식. 운동발달 장애가 있는 영유아에 대한 Vojta진단 및 치 료 체계의 효과 검토. 서울: 연세대학교 대학원 석사학위 논문.
Vojta V.(1977). Reflexlokomotion als Bahnung system in der Behandlung der zerebralen Bewegungsstorungen. In 유병규. 뇌성마 비 아동에 대한 Vojta 치료방법. 대한물리치료사학회지.
Vojta V.(1983). Die wesentlichen Grundzuge der Behandlung nach Vojta. In 유병규. 뇌성마비 아동에 대한 Vojta치료방법. 대한물리치 료사학회지.
Vojta V.(1984). Kinesiologic EMG-Evaluation in Cerebral Palsy Reflexlocomotion according Vojta. In 안용팔, 박경희(공역). 영아기 의 뇌성 운동장애. 서울: 일조각.
Vojta V.(1986). Is there any therapy for cerebral palsy children? I. Preliminary report on locomotion. 대한재활의학회지, 제10권 제2호, 87-95.
Vojta V.(1986). Die zerebralen Bewegungsstorungen im Sauglingsalter. In 영아기의 뇌성 운동장애, 안용팔, 박경희 공역, 일조각. 28-49.
Vojta V.(1987). Zur Prognose der spat Behandelten cerebral paretischen Kinder: fur die freie Fortbewegung bei Behandlung mit Mustern der Reflexfortbewegung. In 박동식. 운동발달 장애가 있는 영유아에 대한 Vojta진단 및 치료체계의 효과 검토. 서울: 연세대 학교 대학원 석사학위논문.
The Effects of the Early Intervention of Vojta Therapy for the Infant with Central Coordination Disturbance
Yang, Eu-Jin
Department of Physical Therapy
Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science
Taegu University
Supervised by prof. Kim, Chung-Sun
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of treatment when the Vojta therapy applied to the infant with central coordination disturbance in early stage.
The subject were 10 cases ; each one with the Vojta therapy applied to the group of the infants before 6 months old and the group of the infants over 6 months old.
When the Vojta therapy was applied I analized the papper which was written about the infants who were diagnosed as moderate CCD and divided two groups which were the infants before 6 months old and the infants over 6 months old. These collected data were analyzed by using t-test.
The results of study were as follow ;
1. When I compared the locomotion stage after the Vojta therapy, t-test showed significant differences. The group of infants before 6 months old had the result 7 to over stage 7 and the group of infants over 6 months old had the result 2(p<.05).
2. When I compared the result of the postural reaction after the Vojta therapy, t-test showed significant differences. The group of infants before 6 months old had 6 cases was normalizes and the group of infants over 6 months old had 1 case was normalized(p<.05).
3. When I compared the duration of the Vojta therapy between the group of infants before 6 months old and the group of infants over 6 months old, t-test showed significant differences. The group of the infants before 6 months old had 5 cases for 1-6 months and 4 cases for 7-15 months , 3 cases for 16-24 months and the group of infants over 6 months old had 6 cases for 7-15 months and 3 cases for 16-24 months, 1 case for 25-30 months(p<.01).


  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.13
  • 저작시기2010.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#799920
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