직장생활 필수기초회화영어
본 자료는 8페이지 의 미리보기를 제공합니다. 이미지를 클릭하여 주세요.
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해당 자료는 8페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
8페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


직장생활 필수기초회화영어에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 사무실내 사용하는 기초회화 표현

2. 업무진행 중 사용하는 기초회화 표현

3. 일상생할 중 사용하는 기초회화 표현


rrivederci (이태리어)
Au revoir (프랑스어)
Adieu (프랑스어)
Ciao (이태리어)
Good day (formal)
Good evening (formal)
Good night
Good-bye until later
Good-bye until next time
Good-bye for now
See you later
I'll try to catch you later
I'll catch you later
Catch you later
I'll talk to you soon
Let's get together soon
I'll be seeing you
I'll see you real soon
See you/ See ya (informal)
See you soon/ See you real soon
See you around/ See you in a little while
See you next year/See you then
See you tomorrow
22) 작별인사
Good running into you
= meeting up with you
Nice running into you
Nice talking to you/ Take care
(It was) good to see you
(It was) nice to see you
Nice meeting you
It was a pleasure meeting you (formal)
It is a pleasure to have met you (formal)
It's been a real pleasure (formal)
23) 떠날 때
Are we ready to leave?/ Are you about finished?
Are you ready to go?/ Ready to go?
Ready to roll?/Are we away?
Let's make like a tree and leave (익살스런 표현)
Let's make like the wind and blow (익살스런 표현)
Let's make like a banana and spilt (익살스런 표현)
Exit stage right
Exit stage left
24) 헤어질때의 기약
I'll call you when I get home/ Call when you get there?
Don't forget to call/ Write me/ Let's write/Let's do lunch
I'll be in touch/Let's keep in touch
25) 다양한 기본적 표현
1)기본적 표현
- What's up?/ What is matter with you? -
Everything is fine/excellent
- Well, you know, Let me see.
- I see, I get it. I can make it
- That is a high expectation.
- That is an excellent approach.
- Please be seated.
- Have a seat, please./ Take a seat, please.
- Sit down, please./ Won't you sit down?
- Won't you take a seat./ Would you like to sit down?
- I've enjoyed talking with you, Sir/Ma'am.
- It has been a pleasure talking with you.
- I hope to hear from you soon.
- I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
2) 감사, 양해의 표현, 상대방의 호의에 대하여
- Thank you so much.
- How nice/kind of you to say so!
- I really appreciate it.
- We would highly appreciate it
3) 상대방에게 미리 자신의 양해를 구할 때
- Excuse me. May I ask… I am sorry.
4) 상대방의 'Thank you'에 대한 응답으로
- You're welcome. -Don't mention it.- Not at all.- It's nothing at all.
5)질문을 알아듣지 못한 경우.
'다시 말씀해 주시겠어요?'라는 표현에는 다음과 같은 것들이 사용될 수 있다.
I beg your pardon, sir (ma'am)!
Pardon me!/ Excuse me!
I am sorry I couldn't follow you.
I am afraid I didn't understand your question.
Would you mind saying it ageing, sir (ma'am)?
I'm sorry I couldn't catch what you said.
Would you say that again, sir (ma'am)?
6)상대방말에 맞장구.
외국인들은 대화할 때 상대방의 말에 맞장구를 잘 친다. 우리말의 '아', '네', '그렇지요' 와
같 은 표현들로서 상대방의 말을 충분히 이해를 하고 동감을 하고 있음을 나타냄으로써 대화의
분 위기가 호의적이고 부드럽게 이어져가도록 한다. 다음에 소개되는 말들은 주로 이와 같은
역할 을 하는 것들이다.
That's right. (그렇고 말 구요)/I think so. (그렇고 말 구요)
I see, Is that so right. (그러세요?)
I understand that. (그러세요?)
That would be interesting! (재미있군요)
How exciting! (신나는데요!)/I believe so. (그렇겠지요)
That's encouraging. (고무적이군요)
Marvelous! or Wonderful!(야! 멋있습니다)
Unbelievable!(믿기지 않는데요)
Impossible? (정말입니까?)
That's only natural. (당연하지요)
That's the way it goes. (그렇게 되는군요)
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2013.04.26
  • 저작시기2013.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#841312
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