4.고급수출 및 수입 영어시뮬레이션 심화과정
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4.고급수출 및 수입 영어시뮬레이션 심화과정에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


e quality? Could
you tell me in detail regarding not only the compatibility,
marketability but also the objective analysis and adaptability of
your products?
Park: Clearly, our high valued and advanced Semiconductor as well as the
applied parts and components have enjoyed the high reputation
throughout the clients and multi-vendors on the markets, you know.
Johnson: Can you show me the catalog and explanation as to the items?
Park: Oh, here it is. Please open the page 2-5 so that you may see here
the detailed quality, the procedure of products, the facility of factory,
the raw materials and the progress of developed items, you know.
Johnson: That is very impressive and favorable steps! Are you supply us
with these kinds of items and accessories?
Park: Yes, we will provide you with the high quality products, the most
attractive prices and on time delivery with the most favorable terms
and conditions.
Johnson: That is very a good offering. Now let us get to the main points.
Could you give the official offer sheet such as the specifications and
business terms such as Commodity, Quality, Quantity, Pricing,
Amount, Payment, Shipment, Validity and other terms after the show
when you return your company?
Park: Sure, we will send you details soon or later and we will also provide
you with our best quotation for a full container base. We would
greatly appreciate it if we could do business with the company on the
long-term base at the chance of extending our current business
activities in your country through your company. Once again, thank
you very much for sharing your precious time during the exhibition.
Johnson: Oh, not at all. it is my pleasure, we are looking forward to hearing
your reply.
Park: If you need any further information, please refer to our website www.
unipia. com. Thanks again visiting our booth today. Have a nice day.
Johnson: You know, Life is not all beer and skittles. But you do a lot
works. I hope you have do a good business, Mr Park.
Park: That is an excellent expression. Well, what I know is "Life is sometimes
ups and downs or Life is but a walking shadow". Anyway, I hope we meet
you soon or later. Have a nice trip.
  • 가격1,800
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2013.09.29
  • 저작시기2013.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#883265
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