[영문英文 보고서][장애인고용촉진제도 분석 영문레포트] Disabled people employment policy 레포트, 장애인고용촉진제도 분석 영문레포트
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[영문英文 보고서][장애인고용촉진제도 분석 영문레포트] Disabled people employment policy 레포트, 장애인고용촉진제도 분석 영문레포트에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Ⅲ. Analysis - The actual condition analysis of our country employment discrimination
Ⅳ. Recommendation
Ⅴ. Conclusion


hich our society must solve.
In fact, the recognition about the disabled is improved plentifully compare to the past but this recognition improvement can`t link directly in the disabled employment. In order to solve the disabled employment problem, there is a limit with only the compliance by relation law. Also it is not proper that only enterprise proprietor take all responsibility and charge about the disabled employment.
First, we should try to observe the cause of occurrence about disability to solve a employment problem of disabled person. Today, 80-90% ratio of occurrence the disabled is caused by acquired cause like industrial accident, environmental contamination and medicinal poisoning. We should recognize the disability as not individual responsibility but responsibility of all social member. Consequently, for the disabled employment activation, the cooperative relationship between the business proprietor, the disabled person and the government is necessary and the role of each one must be established.
Second, the government, in order to secure the effectiveness of disabled employment, should establish and propel appropriate policy with complement of relevant law and system. And the business proprietor applies the manpower resources of the disabled who is in socially difficult circumstance and should finish the social responsibility of the enterprise.
Third, the government and the business proprietor ought to prepare and operate an capability development program for the disabled in long-term.
Last, after going the work, disabled people should put the effort actively in social activity. The disabled person will become the talented man who is necessary to the enterprise oneself, pour out a force more in the technique which is demanded from the enterprise and ability development.
If 3 character(the government and the business proprietor and the disabled) accomplishes a respective role faithfully In order for disabled person 3 character to solve a common problem the government and the business proprietor and the angle accomplishes a role faithfully and cooperate together, solving employment problem of the disabled is not the hard job. To research properly in current status about disabled person employment activation, the recent data is more necessary and direct investigation like interview and statistical survey is needed.
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  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2015.05.25
  • 저작시기2015.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#969855
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