청소년 약물남용과 예방 및 치료방법
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 청소년과 약물 남용

Ⅲ. 청소년 약물남용 실태

Ⅳ. 청소년 약물남용의 형태

Ⅴ. 약물남용 예방과 치료를 위한 전략

Ⅵ. 결 론


한국마약퇴치운동본부, 『약물상담전문가 양성교재 종합교재』 1998
한국마약퇴치운동본부, 『2001 마약류 중독자 치료·재활 심포지움』 2001
한국형사정책연구원, 『청소년의 약물남용과정에 대한 연구』 1990
한국형사정책연구원, 『약물남용자의 치료와 재활』 1996
한국형사정책연구원, 『약물남용과 범죄와의 관계』 1993
2. 硏究論文
김귀분·이경호, "청소년의 약물남용 경험", 대한간호학회지 제30권 4호(2000.8)
남풍우, "아동의 약물남용 실태에 관한 연구", 한남대 지역개발대학원, 석사학위논문, 2001
전인열, "청소년 약물남용의 문제와 개선 방안", 전북대 교육대학원, 석사학위논문, 2001
최해경, "청소년 약물남용과 지역사회의 역할", 忠南大學生生活硏究 제28호(2001.2)
한애순, "가정환경과 청소년약물남용과의 관련성 연구", 경기대 행정대학원, 석사학위논문, 2001
3. 外國文獻
淸永賢二, 『少年非行의 世界』東經:有斐閣, 1998
Aaron T. Beck Cory F. Newman Bruce S. Liese, "Cognitive Therapy of Substance Abuse" Publisher: Guilford Publications, Inc. 2001
George De Leon, "The Therapeutic Community:Theory, Model, and Method", Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Inc. 2000
Kevin E, Early, Drug Treatment behind Bars:prison-Based strategeis for change, Greenwood publishing Group, 1996
Marc Galanter and Herbert D. Kleber, "The American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment", The American Psychiatric Press, 1994
Prevention and Treatment Strategies for Juvenile Drug Abuse
Ahn, Hyun Seok
According to current statistics on drug abuse, abuse of industrial glue, domestic compressed butane gas and other illegal substance of juveniles in Korea, over 90 % of youth, who is incarcerated in correctional facilities, have experienced such substance once or more, and it is emerging as a serious social issue. Such use of illegal substance begins with curiosity at first, but as they repeat these kind of abuse over time, they become out of control. With the consequence, they cannot make appropriate decision, it also leads to a serious crime or delinquency.
Most juvenile experiences such substance between age 17 and 18. Some juvenile also starts to abuse these illegal substance between age 15 and 16, and few juvenile experience such abusive drug before age 15.
Drug abuse of juvenile have become a threat to the community, in fact it have passed its limit. Thus family, school, and community have to endeavor on its prevention.
According to the National Survey, most school do offer an educational program on prevention of illegal substance, nevertheless it still needs to improve its content. For the best result, they must improve its quality, at the same time, require to take these program on regular basis as a preventive.
School and family affect on use of illegal substance a lot, and environment of community also affect indirectly or directly to such juvenile. Thus it needs an effort to organize better environment. For such efforts, suggest a more enforced patrol and etc.
An anti-drug abuse campaign through mass media also can help to prevent such abuse. It offers a greater effect on juveniles, and such efforts need to operate on regular basis for long term.
For treatment strategy, we'd like to introduce a substance abuse treatment that is applying in US. currently. It consists of supervisory-deterrent model, medical-distributive, antagonist program, and drug-free approaches.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2003.12.20
  • 저작시기2003.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#239561
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