동트는 여명과 낙타상자 비교연구 ― 동질성과 이질성을 중심으로 ―
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1. 서론

2. 시대적 배경과 문학관

3. 작품 세계의 同異性



ce. The main focuses of the two are the harsh lives of the people when another country is taking over their own country that they are living in.
The second motive of the two stories is the variety of their literary means. The works are Gu Yin Hwan can be divided into three big parts. One is writing about our people in history under attack in war, two, the hope of the people worrying about the future of their own country even though they are under the rule of Japan, and three, how the people is eagerly wanting and requiring the perfect life in their normal lives. The works of Lao She can be divided into two parts; one with a strong sense of society, and two, the beauty of literature all by itself.
The third motive is that the two stories both take place in the same era, time period. They both are saying how the people struggled being poor trying to develop under the control of the Japanese.
Despite the similarities in the motives, there are differences in the way of life and the fate of people in the two stories. The reasons of this differences is because one, the way of explaining/expressing the characters and the ideal of the authors are not the same. In Gu's story, the characters that set up the plot of the story is mostly made up with well-educated high class people, worrying about the future of their country and people. In Laos story however, the characters are made up of people that are have no wealth, and they are not able to get out of their poor condition due to the influence in their environment.
The second difference is the difference in the ideas and the way it is expressed. In Gus story, the author talks about the possible ideals, but Lao only shows the poor and inescapable tragic reality. The Korean author also does show the lives of farmers, but it mainly talks about the pathway of hope to the open world. The Chinese author however, only shows the hard lives of the poor men and that is the only thing that is dealt in the story.
Third difference of the two stories is the two different philosophies of the two writers. Lao in the other hand is only realistic. The main and only focus of Laos writing is to show how it is not possible for the poor to get out of there harsh conditions due to the conflicting society, and it deals with the agony of the poor to get a way to win their individual rights.
The final difference between the two pieces is that the two literary works carefully and profoundly criticizes different things. Gu In Hwan suggests that the attack and the rule of the Japanese over the Koreans is the reason that brought the separation of families and lovers and the harsh and poor life of the common people. Different from this, Lao ironically criticizes the rudeness of capitalists, and it deals with the problem of individualism. These differences stated above is brought by the different world philosophy of the two authors, and the historical and cultural difference that they have within them.
주제어: 비교문학, 동질성, 이질성, 낙원의식, 사회의식
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수19페이지
  • 등록일2002.08.27
  • 저작시기2002.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#202186
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