난독증의 이해: 난독증의 분류와 평가 (심리학)
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1. 난독증 연구의 접근 방법
1) 신경과학적 접근
2) 실험심리학적 접근

2. 정상인의 단어 재인과 후천성 난독증 분류
1). 정상인의 단어 재인
2) 난독증의 분류

3. 난독증 검사 절차와 도구
4. 맺음말

참 고 문 헌


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Vanni. S., Uusitalo. M. A., Kiesila. P., & Hari. R. (1997). Visual motion activates V5 in dyslexics. Neuroreport, 8, 8. 1939-1942.
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Wolff. P.H., & Melngailis. I.(1994). Family patterns of developmental dyslexia: clinical findings. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 54, 2. 122-131.
Toward Understanding Dyslexia : Classification and Evaluation of dyslexia
Hongjae Lee*, Mira Kim**, Kichun Nam*
* Department of Psychology, Korea University
** Behavioral Science Research Center, Korea University
This paper was designed to classify the symtoms of dyslexia according to the previous word recognition model. Also, research assumptions used in the study of dyslexia within modern cognitive neuropsychology are discussed. Dyslexia is divided into developmental and acquired dyslexia. The developmental dyslexia comes from genetic disorder, whereas the acquired dyslexia is due to brain injury. The acquired dyslexia is further divided into peripheral, which does not have a direct relationship with linguistic process, and central, which is directly related to lexical processing. This paper mainly deals with the acquired dyslexia. The peripheral dyslexia involves neglect, attentional, and letter-by-letter reading dyslexia, whereas the central dyslexia consists of surface, phonological, deep, reading without meaning dyslexia. The results of the study on the peripheral and central dyslexia show that the word recognition process consists of the early perceptual processing and the central lexical processing. Furthermore, the existence of phonological, surface and deep dyslexia suggests that written words are named through dual routes: the lexical and phonological-recoding routes. In classifying and evaluating dyslexia, the cognitive neuropsychological and neurolinguistic approaches are employed. These approaches are based on the research logic and concepts, such as, single case study, modularity, dissociation and association, neurological specificity or isomorphism, and transparency. The test tools developed to evaluate dyslexia are mainly based on the off-line tasks, such as, BAE, SDRT, NART, WART, COWA, BNT, PPVT, and Token Test. However, in order to examine the more detailed processing deficits in dyslexia, the on-line tasks based on human language information processing should be developed.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수23페이지
  • 등록일2002.09.03
  • 저작시기2002.09
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#202519
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