놀이를 통한 아동의 상상력 발달 (아동교육 가장놀이)
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1. 서론

2. 상징기능과 상상력

3. 놀이와 상상력
1)가장놀이의 발달단계
2) 가장놀이를 통해 나타나는 아동의 상상력 발달과정

4. 결론

※ 참고문헌



100. 77-92.
Prosveshenye(1986). Psychology. 김정택 역(1993). 인간행동의 심리학, 서울: 사상사 348-350
Roberta, I. (1997). The power of pretending. Parents, v72. 102-104.
Russell, D. (1998). Cultivating the imagination in music education. Educational Theory, Spring. Vol. 48. Issue 2, 198-201.
Sutton-Smith(1997). In Graeber, L. (1997). Imagination takes off!. Parents, v72. 174-176.
Vygotskaya(1989). In 神谷榮司譯(1994). ごっこ遊びの世界 法政出版. 235
Vygotsky, L. S. (1930). 子どもの想像力と創造, 福井健新介譯 讀書社
The child's Developemt of Imagination through Play
Kang, Seung-Hee
Many educators have said that imagination without knowledge is foolishness and knowledge without imagination is pedantry. Imagination is what enables us to turn the drum and create new patterns. Imagination "gives rationality life, color and meaning". Thinking imaginatively engages learners in "as-if" thinking, "if-then" thinking and empathic thinking.
The purpose of this study is to examine how to develop the child's imagination through play.
A characteristic of young children, "imaginatin is simply the inner, the mental side of play". Play and imagination develop in the process of a child's ongoing interactin with the environment. For Dewey, image and activity were intimately connected. The image, he asserted, overflows into activity; if not, the image dies. The energetic activity of a child is not only a help to physical growth, but is indispensable to full free mental development.
Young children interacting with their environment, use their imagination and transformational activity, modify whatevere they find in it, and create new things, objects and activities and so ew environments. In this way, through the interactin of environment, transformation and imagination, creativity can be discrened.
Especially, pretend play taking 'as if' dimension plays an important role in developing imagination.
Because children's pretend play is generally understood to be symbolic actitivy. Through it, children use objects, actions, language, and roles to represent something form their real or imagined world fo experience. The significance of this play is that it provides a vehicle by means of which a child can construct and express an understand of experience that has individual and communal dimensions.
Symbols are rather amazing tools that human beings have created to enable us to contemplate objects or events in their absence. Symbol systems, of which language is the most basic, provide us with rational means for expressig thought. Children are in the process of acquiring and attaining skill in using symbol systems, especially language.
Therefore, manifestations of imaginative activity and pretend play in the preschool years may well be a more promising bet as possible precursors of later creative or artistic attainment; an examinatin of pretend play in early childhood from the standpoint of its continuity with subsequent forms of social cognition and person perception would similarly apppear worthwhile.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.08
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#205732
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