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tion: Instructional implications and applications of sociohistorical psychology. NY:Cambridge University Press.
Wagner, R.K., & Sternberg, R.J. (1984). Alternative conceptions of intelligence and their implications for education. Review of Educational Research, 54(2). 179-223.
Williams, W., Blythe,T., White, N., Li, J., Sternberg, R.J., & Gardner, H. (1996). Practical intelligence for school. NY: Harper Collins College Publishers.
Winner, E. (1996). Gifted children: Myths and realities. NY: BasicBooks.
이 연구를 수행하도록 Project Zero에 나를 초청하고 다중지능 학교에 직접 동행하여 설명하는 등 학문적으로 인간적으로 큰 자극과 도움을 준 Harvard University, Graduate School of Education의 Howard Gardner 교수와 그 부인인 Boston College의 Ellen Winner 교수에게 감사한다.
Multiple Intelligences and Educational Innovations in the School
Woo-Youp Shim
(Chuncheon National University of Education)
In this article, I review Gardner's multiple intelligences(MI) theory and find out educational implications. Of the intelligence theories, this perspective is the most relevant to the educational innovations. Gardner uncovers nine kinds of intelligences, which might change in different culture: logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intellignece, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence, and existentialist intelligence.
Assessments of MI which are intelligence-fair and take place in the context of meaningful, culturally-valued activities, are required. Such assessments may provide students with an increased opportunity to discover and develop the skills to achieve success within a school. Project Spectrum is a way of MI assessments. The convenient tools for teacher's assessment of student's MI are simple observation (with or without checklist) of their activities when free, and analyses of their documentations.
MI theory believes that every topic can be effectively taught and assessed in at least seven different ways, and students should be able to show their understanding and competence in a specific skill, subject, content area, or domain in any one of a variety of ways.
MI teachers shift their methods of presentation from one way to another, often combining intelligences in creative ways. Almost equal chance is devoted to every intelligence in the class. Each student has the opportunity every day to experience direct interaction with each of the seven intelligences. MI schools are organized in order to encourage children to develop competence in the various domains through an interdisciplinary curriculum.
Shifting presentation method and over-driven time effort for the MI teachers might hinder MI teaching. In addition, success of MI school depends upon the curriculum, evaluation, and educational culture. Traditional linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence-centered curriculum and evaluation should change and community also should change their emphasis on those intelligences.
  • 가격500
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2003.11.01
  • 저작시기2003.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#230155
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