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I. 서 론
1.1 문제 제기

1I. 연구가설 및 연구모형
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2.2. 연구모형

1II. 연구결과
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3.3. 연구결과

IV. 결 론


n, Advertising, 2th, 1984.
31. Wackman D. B, Salmon C. T and Salmon C. C 'Developing an Advertising Agency-Client Relationship,' Journal of Advertising Research, 26, pp.21-28.
< Abstract >
A Study on the Degree of the Satisfaction between Advertiser and Advertising- Agency
- Focused on the Relationship Types -
Kwang-Hae Lim *
* Instructor, Dept. of Management, Dongguk University
The Object of Study is to look for the Relationship Types between Advertiser and Advertising-Agency in Korea advertising Industry.
This study show how the Relationship Types between Advertiser and Advertising Agency are classfied, and what is the highest continuous intention and satisfaction among those Types.
And this shows that what is different from search step to evalution step and that what are the characters according to types? And that the Relationship Types between them in advertising industry are as followings according to Bradach and Eccels(1989), and powell's studies.
On the first phase of the Relationship Types, when Relationship Types among companies adopt to advertising industry, Hierarachical Relationship Types is the same as the In-house Agency Type.
And transactional Type and embedded type are the same the independent type.
On second phase of the relationship-involving process, except contents apart from korea advertising industry's, in the search step, the Michell model(1995) was adopted except business environment.
Relationship-Involving process has three steps. First step is search step, second me is relationship-making step, third one is evaluation step.
The analysis results have the implicatoins like below table.
First in the search step between advertiser and AD-Agency, places emphasis on the cooperation with the agent which has similar size and fame, in the case of In-house agency relationship type, policy and team work development is place emphasis on sharing professtional value and criteria.
Second, in the relation-making level at in-house agency relationship pride in the team outcomes and understanding on the work dependence are very important, while at the independent agency relationship periodic review system, mutual strong leadership are important.
Third, in relation-making level at in independent agent relationship agent's control ability, creative standard, marketing advice suggestion, advertising effect and sales performance are critical points, while, at service level, most are low.
Therefore, to keep continuous long-term trust and improve the degree of satisfaction between advertiser and advertising agency in korea advertising industry, advertiser should change from hierachical relationship to their parterners relationship about AD-Agency in the past time.
Accordingly, from now on AD-Agency should play major roles on the creative standard, marketing advice to the adveriser, the marketing specialist employment, advertising effect and sales performance, which has been dependent on the advertiger until now.
e-mail: jaehapark@hotmail.com


  • 가격700
  • 페이지수28페이지
  • 등록일2003.12.22
  • 저작시기2003.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#239882
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