동시사망의 대습상속
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동시사망의 대습상속에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


동시사망 추정과 배우자 대습상속

【 事實關係 】

【 訴訟의 經過 】
(1) 1심 판결
(2) 2심판결

【 大法院判決 】

【 硏 究 】
Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 代襲相續의 性質
1. 고유권설
2. 승계설(대위설)
3. 검토
Ⅲ. 代襲相續의 要件
1. 피대습자의 상속개시전의 사망과 동시사망
2. 배우자의 대습상속
Ⅳ. 結論


Presumed Simultaneous Death and the Spouse Succession by Representation



로서는 타당한 유일한 판단이었다고 하겠다.
그러나 이미 살펴본 바와 같이 형제자매의 상속과 제한 없는 피대습자의 배우자의 대습상속에는 조절이 필요하다는 입장이다. 대습상속제도의 입법방향은 피상속인의 의사에도 부합하면서도, 한편으로는 현대의 가족관계를 고려하고 다른 한편으로는 형제간의 부모로부터의 혜택의 재분배차원에서 진행되어야 할 것임을 지적해 두고 싶다.
주제어: 대습상속, 동시사망, 상속의 순위, 배우자의 상속순위.

Presumed Simultaneous Death and the Spouse Succession by Representation
This Case Comment deals with the Supreme Court's Decision of 2001.3.9, 99다 13157.
The plaintiffs of this case were the 3rd place inheritors according to Paragraph(1) of Article 1000 of the Korean Civil Codes, who were the brothers and sisters of the inheritee. The defendant, who was the son-in-law of the inheritee, achieved the ownership of real estate in place of his wife, who was the 1st place inheritor but had died, by the succession by representation. The plaintiffs claimed the inheritance should be invalid but it was not accepted by Supreme Court. In this case, what we should reconsider is that the inheritee and his daughter had died by the same accident in which the exact time and the order of two deaths are obscure.
It could be presumed that the time of deaths be the same by Article 30 of the Korean Civil Codes. On the other hand, Article 1003 says, "In the case mentioned in Article 1001, the spouse of the deceased or the disqualified person, before the commencement of inheritance, becomes a co-inheritor in the same order as the inheritors provided in the same Article. If there exists no inheritor, the spouse becomes the sole inheritor."
So the first issue here is that the 'Succession by Representation by Article 1003' could be applied to the simultaneous death according to Article 30.
The 2nd issue is about the Succession by Representation of spouse.
I speculates on those two issues reflecting the current Civil Codes and reaches on the conclusion that in the case of simultaneous death, Succession by Representation could be applied and Supreme Court's decision which admitted the sole inheritance of the son-in-law is justified.
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  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2008.10.01
  • 저작시기2008.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#482103
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