최근 일본 중등교육개혁의 동향과 전망
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 일본의 중등교육 현황과 특징

Ⅲ. 새로운 학교 구상과 중등교육 개혁

Ⅳ. 고등학교 교육개혁 사례 - 종합선택제 고등학교

Ⅴ. 결론 - 시사점


望した我が國の敎育の在り方について-第15期中央敎育審議會第一次答申”, 文部時報第1437, 1996.
日本文部省 編, 我が國の文敎施策, 1989 - 1991, 1995 - 1998.
日本文部省 編, 日本敎育白書(1993年版), 1993.
日本NHK사, NHK國民生活時間調査, 1990.
綜合選擇制高等學校硏究會, 普通科綜合選擇制高等學校の硏究, 1993.
天野郁夫, 日本の敎育システム, 東京 : 東京大學出版會, 1996.
Recent Trends and Prospects in Japanese Educational Reform in Secondary Education
Jong-Hyeok Yoon*
The study is concerned with providing recommendations for recent trends and prospects in Japanese educational reform, mainly in upper secondary education. Now, the aim of Japanese upper secondary education is to enable young people to establish a sense of self by confronting themselves as they deal with the various issues of youth, such as decisions about their career paths and their future way of life, and to foster richness and the qualities needed to live independently so that they can lead healthy lives as members of society. Furthermore, the tempo of change has become extremely rapid in recent years owing to internationalization, the shift to an information-oriented society, and technological innovation in various fields. Vocational education at the upper secondary school level must be adapted to these changes.
A number of issues concerning the current situation of upper secondary schools were highlighted in the April 1991 report of the Central Council for Education titled "Reforms of Various Educational Systems to Adapt Them to a New Age." For example, most general courses are geared toward university entrance and thus tend to be uniform in curriculum structure and implementation, with the result that there is insufficient provision for the diverse characteristics of students, including their abilities and aptitudes. There is concern that the resulting excessive competition in entrance examinations not only has an adverse impact on students' physical and mental health but also makes it difficult for young people to enjoy spiritually rich lives and accumulate adolescent experiences during their lower secondary education.

* Associate Fellow, Korean Educational Development Institute
One issue that could not be ignored in relation to upper secondary education until recently was the rapid growth of the upper secondary school age cohort. The construction of new upper secondary schools, particularly in the general education category, became a priority in every prefecture. These included the establishment of a system of credit-based upper secondary schools for day/evening courses and correspondence courses, the introduction of a more flexible length of study, the creation of a system for accepting some credits earned by Japanese students abroad, and the expansion of admission and transfer opportunities for Japanese students returning from courses overseas through legislative amendments. In the area of specialized courses, new course models have been provided and facility standards have been amended. These new types of upper secondary schools are also functioning as pilot schools for educational reform in Japan.
  • 가격1,100
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2009.03.15
  • 저작시기2009.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#523066
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