영문 자서전 - 자기소개서 및 이력서
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영문 자서전 - 자기소개서 및 이력서에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


ried. I believe having a girlfriend is not a necessity for me right now and I don’t have time for romance yet since I want my life to be more stabilized
I don't have an ideal girlfriend. It is fine if she is nice, honest and cute to me.
I had lots of dream at an early age of childhood such as being an artist, a scientist, a sport player, and so on. They are literally just childhood dreams. The only dream I have now is to get a doctoral degree so that I can proudly show people that I’ve succeeded. I want to get fame. Actually that is what I think is the most valuable. Not being famous among everyone, but only in my field. I know very well how hard it is and how it requires a lot of effort. I will try my best to get my dream. It may sound like a child's dream, but it's my real dream. I want to be an influential person in my country. I am not greedy for money therefore my dream is not based on earning a lot of money. All I want is a stable life and becoming a respectable person to people around me.
The only hope I have is that everyone in my country live a happy life without famine, violence, and war. I am willing to be helpful in contributing to the society. That is my real dream.
  • 가격1,400
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.15
  • 저작시기2008.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#574770
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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