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5페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


연구의 과정 (Research Process)

1. 연구문제 확인 (Identifying a research problem)
연구문제의 구체화 (Specifying a problem)
연구문제의 정당화 (Justifying it)
연구의 필요성 제시 (Suggesting the need to study it for audience)

2. 문헌 고찰 (Reviewing the literature)
자료 찾기 (Locating resources)
자료 선택 (Selecting resources)
자료 요약 (Summarizing resources)

3. 연구목적의 구체화 (Specifying a purpose for research)
연구목적 진술 확인 (Identifying the purpose statement)
연구목적 진술, 연구문제, 혹은 연구가설의 구체화 (Narrowing the purpose
statement or research questions or hypotheses)

4. 연구 설계 (Laying out a research design)
연구방법 설계 (Designing research methods)

5. 자료 수집 (Collecting data)
연구 참여자 선정 (Selecting individuals to study)
연구 동의 얻기 (Obtaining permissions)
정보 수집 (Gathering information)

6. 자료 분석 및 해석 (Analyzing and interpreting data)
자료 분류 (Breaking down the data)
자료 표현 (Representing the data)
자료 설명 (Explaining the data)

7. 자료 보고 및 평가 (Reporting and evaluating data)
오디언스 결정 (Deciding on audience)
리포트 조직 (Structuring the report)
리포트 쓰기 (Writing the report)


he phenomenon you study
4) Develop a small set of generalization
4. 연구의 평가준거
1) 타당성
2) 신뢰성
3) Strong chain of evidence
ㅇ Provide clear, meaningful links between the research questions, the raw data,
the analysis of these data and the conclusions drawn from the data
ㅇ Provide complete documentation of the research process
4) Triangulation
ㅇ Use multiple data-collection methods, data sources, or analyses to check the
5) Coding checks
ㅇ Explain how researchers develop a category system to code the segments into
which the data have been divided
6) Contextual comprehensiveness
ㅇ Multivocality, participants' diverse viewpoints and interpretations
tacit knowledge, implicit meanings
7) Member checking
ㅇ Have participants review statements in the researchers' reports for accuracy and
8) Peer-debriefing
ㅇ Have outside experts review the statements and interpretations
9) Researchers' self-reflection
ㅇ Reflexivity, Researchers' analysis of their own role as constructor and
interpreters of the social reality being studied
10) Truthfulness
ㅇ The researcher's descriptions are faithful representations of the phenomena that
were studied
VII. 자료 보고 및 평가
1. Getting started and finding a focus
1) Define your purpose
2) Decide your audience
3) Exploring ideas for writing
ㅇ keeping a research journal, brainstorming, mapping or clustering, etc
4) Formulating a working thesis (main ideas, key points to communicate)
5) Making a outline
6) Overcoming writer's block
7) Writing drafts
ㅇ Don't automatically begin at the beginning
ㅇ Write your first draft as quickly and fluently as you can
ㅇ Keep your topic, question, and thesis very much in mind
ㅇ Avoid the obvious
ㅇ Save all your notes and drafts until your writing is completed
ㅇ Revise for ideas, interest, and logic; Don't merely fix errors
2. Developing and organizing ideas
1) Composing unified paragraphs
2) Including specific details
3) Developing ideas
4) Using transitions and links for coherence
5) Writing introductions and conclusions
3. Revising and editing
1) Getting feedback and peer review
2) Reading and analyzing your own drafts
ㅇ Think critically about your argument, and ask for questions
ㅇ Examine your underlying assumptions
3) Writing and revising a title
4) Editing, and proofreading
5) Revising the paper
* Avoid even the suspicion of plagiarism
1) Never include in your own essay a passage, an identifiable phrase, or an idea that
you copied from someone else's work without acknowledging and documenting
2) Never use exactly the same sequence of ideas and organization of argument as
your source
3) Always put an author's exact words inside quotation marks
4) Always cite the source of any summary or paraphrase
5) Never simply substitute synonyms for a fe words in the source or move a few
words around
6) Never use in your paper long sections that have been written or rewritten by a
friend or a tutor
7) Never buy, find, or receive a paper that you turn in as your own work


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2011.05.12
  • 저작시기2011.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#676665
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