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3페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. Introduction

2. Main Discourse

Ⅰ. Sense and Kind of Election System
1. sense of election system
2. kind of election system

Ⅱ. Franchise and Eligibility for election
1. franchise
2. Elegibility for election

Ⅲ. Basis fundamental rule of Election System
1. Fundamental rule of universal suffrage
2. Fundamental rule of equality election
3. Fundamental rule of secret vote
4. Fundamental rule of freedom election

Ⅳ. Greate title and Electoral district
1. sense of Great title and electoral district
2. type of great title
3. type of electoral district

Ⅴ. Current constitution and Election system
1. basis rule of election system
2. Enactment of public election and election malpractice prevention law
3. Public Management of election and Prevention of Election Malpractice
4. Basic contents of election system


itration committee establishes until election battle 120 day and operate 30 day after election day to keep election report's amount of work anger.
4. Basis contents of election system
(1) Limitation of franchise and eligibility for election
People more than 20 ages has councilman's franchise with presidential election member of the National Assembly election autonomy's chapter.
(2) Trust Money
Presidential election autonomy chapter of five hundred million attempts fifty million wons, member of the Imperial Diet fifteen million wons, city autonomy chapter ten million wons, circle of attempt three million wons, logic legislator by two million wons do.
1)sense of Canvas
Talk action to do to do not become whether canvas be elected or very do, getting elected or purpose attribute of number of votes obtained, objective cognition possibility of the purpose, spontaneity nature and planning is required by label of canvas.
2 ) limitation rule and regulation of canvas
Inflict next limitation public election method is prohibited by election law or other legal regulation changing regulation method from way of previous comprehensive limitation prohibition to way of individual limitation prohibition or canvas done not limit permits all and magnified freedom of canvas maximum.
(5) pleading not guilty system about election
1) election request
Objectionable elector political party or candidate can do an electoral district Election Administration Committee chairman by blood request perfect virtue and long race of the military do request in the Central Election Management Committee in attempt governor dock to attempt Election Administration Committee at local assembly man election and old encountering in 14ili from election day about councilman and effect of election in local government's chapter's election.
2) election avoidance
Election Administration Committee or Supreme Court or the High Court that accept request or task on time that recognize that false that truth contravened to regulation about election in election is influenced in result of election one do because whole of election partial avoidance or avoidance of getting elected decide or decides .
Thank you.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2011.08.19
  • 저작시기2011.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#696303
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