한국 전통 음악 Traditional Korean Music
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한국 전통 음악 Traditional Korean Music에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


e Korea Philharmonic Orchestra Society. The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra was inaugurated in 1957 and the KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) Symphony Orchestra was formed in 1956. There has been a rapid growth of orchestras in the provincial cities as well in recent years: the symphony orchestras of Pusan, Taegu, Inch'on, Kwangju and Suwon hold regular concerts, and the Korean Symphony, a privately operated orchestra, held its inaugural concert in 1985.
The quality of music performed in concerts, however, has been weak, given the large number of orchestras, ensembles and other groups. This is due in part to the interruption of musicians' instrumental training caused by the Korean War. In addition, only since the mid-1960s have there been quality performances by musicians who have returned home following musical training abroad. The first opera performed here was Verdi's La Traviata in January 1948. Since that time, many opera groups have emerged and disappeared in the past 40 years. The National Opera Group, the Kim Cha-kyong Opera Group and the Seoul Opera Group led by Kim Pong-im are the most active. The National Opera Group opened in 1965 with a performance of Puccini's La Boheme. The Kim Cha-kyong Opera Group opened in 1968 with La Traviata.
Several Korean operas have been performed, including Ch'unhyangjon by Hyon Che-myong, Prince Hodong by Chang Il-nam, Shimch'ongjon by Kim Tong-jin, Non-gae by Hong Yon-t'aek and Ch'obun by Pak Chae-yol, as well as many foreign operas including La Traviata, Tosca, Madam butterfly, Aida, Manon and Le Nozze di Figaro. Church choirs have long led chorus activities. The first professional chorus came into being in 1973 with the formation of the National Chorus, followed by the Seoul City Chorus in 1978 and the Daewoo Chorus, a privately operated chorus, in 1983. Na Yong-su, one of the nation's foremost chorus conductors, contributed greatly to raising the level of choral music.
An increasing number of Korean musicians are performing in concerts and other fields abroad. Many have won highest acclaim from foreign critics and audiences. A number have taken top awards in international competitions, and some have assumed prestigious posts as conductors or in other functions. Among them are Chong Kyong-hwa (Chung Kyung-hwa), one of the world's foremost violinists; violinist Kang Tong-sok, a prize winner at the Elizabeth Concours; and violinist Kim Yong-uk, who is based in New York. Pianists performing abroad include Han Tong-il, who resides in the United States, Paek Kon-u, who resides in Paris, and So Hye-gyong and So Chu-hui. Baritone Ch'oe Hyon-su won top honors in the voice section of the Ninth International Tchaikovsky Musical Competition in July 1990 in Moscow. He also received the Tchaikovsky Award, a prize for the best interpreter of Tchaikovsky's music. Conductors working abroad include Chong Myong-hun who was appointed as the music director and principal conductor of the French National Bastille Opera.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.13
  • 저작시기2009.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#785927
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