[뇌손상] 자세조절[postural control]에 대해서
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[뇌손상] 자세조절[postural control]에 대해서에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


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Sakellari V, Soames RW. Auditory and visual interactions in postural stabilization. Ergonomics. 1996;39:634-648.
Shumway-Cook A, Horak FB. Assessing the influence of sensory interaction on balance: Suggestion from the field. Physical Therapy. 1986;66:1548-1550.
Shumway-Cook A, Woollacott M. Motor Control: Theory and practical applications. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 1995.
Smith LK, Weiss EL, Lehmkuhl LD. Clinical kinesiology. 5th ed., Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. 1996.
Studenski S, Rigler SK. Clinical overview of instability in the elderly. Clinics in geriatric medicine. 1996;12:679-688.
Thelen DG, Wojcik LA, Schultz AB, et al. Age differences in using a rapid step to regain balance during a forward fall. Journal of Gerontology. 1997;52A:M8-M13.
Thompson DM. Biomechanics of balance and postural control. Lecture presented in Management of Orthopedic Problems, (PHTH 3254), Oklahoma City. 1997.
Umphred DA. Neurological rehabilitation. 3rd ed., St. Louis: Mosby. 1995.
Wade MG, Jones G. The role of vision and spatial orientation in the maintenance of posture. Physical Therapy. 1997;77: 619-628.
Wolfson L, Judge J, Whipple R, et al. Strength is a major factor in balance, gait, and the occurrence of falls. Journal of Gerontology. 1995;50A: 64-67.
Woollacott M, Shumway-Cook A. Changes in posture control across the life span: A systems approach. Physical Therapy. 1990;70:799-807.
Woollacott M, Shumway-Cook A. Attentional demands and postural control: New insights for assessing and treating instability in older adults. Lecture presented at Phyical Therapy '97, San Diego, CA. 1997.
Woollacott M, Tang P. Balance control during walking in the older adult: Research and its implications. Physical Therapy. 1997;77:646-660.
  • 가격1,800
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2013.07.04
  • 저작시기2008.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#855387
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