[초대교회사]기독교의 핍박과 변호(THE PERSECUTION AND DEFENSE OF CHRISTIANITY),(기독교와 제국, 핍박의 원인과 범위 시기, 카타콤)
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[초대교회사]기독교의 핍박과 변호(THE PERSECUTION AND DEFENSE OF CHRISTIANITY),(기독교와 제국, 핍박의 원인과 범위 시기, 카타콤)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.



1. 기독교와 제국
2. 핍박의 원인
3. 핍박의 범위
4. 핍박의 시기
5. 카타콤



배, 십자가, 왕관, 물고기이다. (희랍어로 물고기는 IXTHUS로, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."의 첫 글자들을 대변한다.)
비명은 신뢰와 소망, 종종 순교를 증거한다:
Paulus was put to death in tortures, in order that he might live in eternal life. Clementis, tortured, dead, sleeps: will rise. Aselus sleeps in Jesus. Petronia, a deacon's wife, the type of modesty - In this place I lay my bones; spare your tears, dear husband and daughters, and believe it is forbidden to weep for one who lives in God. Once the happy daughter of the presbyter Gabinus, here lies, Susanna, joined with her father in peace. Lannus, Christ's Martyr, rests here. He suffered under Diocletian.
George Fisher sums up this period, as follows: It was the heroic age in the history of the Church, when, with no aid from an arm of flesh, the whole might of the Roman empire was victoriously encountered by the unarmed and unresisting adherents of the Christian faith. Imperial Rome, the conqueror of the world, was herself overcome by the bands of Christian disciples, whose meek but dauntless courage was more than a match for all her power.
후스토 L. 곤잘레스 저, 초대교회사, 은성 2012
브루스 셸리 저, 현대인을 위한 교회사, 크리스챤다이제스트 2011
박용규 저, 초대교회사, 총신대학교출판부 2009
김기홍 저, 이야기 교회사, 두란노 2010
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2015.03.24
  • 저작시기2015.3
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#961864
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