영화 칼라 퍼플에 대한 :페미니즘 해석공동체 칼라퍼플
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1. 흑인 여성문학 텍스트 / 한국 대학생 독자

2. 해석공동체와 지식을 갖춘 독자

3. 영화 {칼라 퍼플}에 대한 독자반응

4. 페미니즘 문학교육과 해석공동체의 관계


ondon: Harvard University Press, 1980, 1-17.
______. "Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics". Is There a Text in This Class?. 21-67.
______. "Driving from the Letter: Truth and Indeterminacy in Milton's Areopagitica". Ed. Mary Nyguist and Margaret W. Fergurson. Re-Membering Milton: Essays on the Texts and Tradition. London: Methuen, 1987, 240-252.
Lee, Sung-ho. Comparative Responses to Literature by Korean and American College Students. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Pittsburgh, 1985.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "French Feminism in an International Frame". In Other Worlds. London and New York: Routledge, 1988, 134-153.
Underwood, Horace. "At the Edge: Teaching Literature in English in Korea". Proceedings The 1990 ELLAK International Symposium, 1991, 203-220.
Walker, Alice. "Writing The Color Purple". Black Women Writers(1950-1980): A Critical Evaluation. Ed. Mary Evans. New York: Anchor Books, 1984, 453-456.
The Responses of Korean University Students to
The Color Purple: Focusing on Education in Feminist Literature and Interpretive Community Theory
Abstract So-HeeLee
This paper explores the relationship between education in feminist literature and interpretive community theory, analyzing the responses of Korean university students to The Color Purple. From the point of view of Stanley Fish's theory on the informed reader and the interpretive community, Korean university students cannot be considered to be informed readers of The Color Purple. However, their diverse responses prove that they can produce and make their own meaning from watching The Color Purple, and the task of reading their responses is very important in order to formulate gendered characteristics in Korean social culture as the specific interpretive community.
The responses of Korean university students on reading The Color Purple take different directions in accordance with their gender identities. Men students criticise Celie's passivity in the beginning part, while women students support her attitude after consideration of her everyday life. In general, women students sympathise with Celie's process of looking for her female subjectivity within the interactive human relationship, while men students blatantly congratulate themselves on being the privileged gender identity group in this strongly patriarchal society. Their different responses provide fundamental information about how women and men students have established their gender identities in Korean society. Thus, the relationship between education in feminist literature and the interpretive community is very important and closed in terms of interactive influence.
Therefore, the role of lecturer and the selection of texts for education in feminist literature are absolutely crucial in order to design the whole lecture program, and to evoke specific responses from Korean university students which will show how the students' patriarchal ideologies are being transformed towards the feminist way of life.
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.02
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#210028
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