스포츠와 사회화의 상호작용에 관한 연구
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Ⅰ. 서 론
1. 연구방법
2. Sports의 사회화에 관한 이론

Ⅱ. 사회에 의한 개인의 외재적 구속론

Ⅲ. Allison의 스포츠적 사회화론
1. 규 칙
2. 경 쟁
3. 인 지

Ⅳ. 상호작용 사회화론에 관한 준거
1. 역할기대
2. 역할행동
3. 사회적 규범
4. 역할 교보능력
5. 역할 적응능력
6. 자기 실현능력

Ⅴ. 결 론


三本松定敏(1982). 스포츠적 사회화 연구의 전개와 과제. 일본체육학회 제33회 대회호.
影山健 外(1978). 스포츠 참여의 사회학에 대한 체육사회학 연구회. pp. 12-13.
條野 奇(1972). 체육의 역할과 제도. 대조관.
淸井和夫(1980). 가족과 지역의 사회학. 동경대학.
Caplow, H.(1964). Principles of sports. Home Wood 3. Dorsey press.
Edwards, H.(1973). Sociology of sports. New York.
Friedsam, H.(1964). Social situation. A Dictionary of the social sciences. New York.
Jams, F.(1964). 「Leisure service Delivery system Febiger」. Febiger.
Mcin.(1963). Sports society.
Smelser, H.(1963). The sociology of Economic life. Engle wood.
Wohl, A.(1966). Conception Range of sports sociology Vol. 1.
Weinberg, S.C.(1982). "The occupa- tional culture of the boxer" American journal of sociology used.
Woiff, H.(1984). The sociology of ceory simmel. New York : The Free Press.
A Study of Sport and Socialization theory with Special Reference to Interaction Between Social Agent and Socializee
Yook, Cho-Young Lee, Jin-Han
Studies on the socialization theory for sports are now assuming greater importance in research activities on sports and social science.
The present report discusses and attempt to identify a set of factors that affect the views of individuals in practicing a sport for specific effects. It may be argued the study is among those research activities which are essential to the acceleration of the current move toward the popularization of sports.
Accumulation of these research efforts is now desired more earnestly then ever.
This report also points out a number of drawbacks in the conventional approaches to the present subject among such shortomins.
The discussion in this reports in focused on the instances where social are dealt with as a passive element in socialization. This is followed by an attempt to find in what theoretical framework the subjective and active qualities of socializees could be grasped properly.
Earlier a report was published by M. Allison on the interaction between Angro-American waches as social agents and Havaho athletes as socialzee in basketball training. Allison described how the Navaho athletes, Supported by the strong sanctioning function of Navaho Community received the game of basketball subjectively.
From this example, he identified the interaction between social agents and socializees in sports-related culture, contending that the active qualities of socializees could be demonstrated in the characteristics, particularly inherent aspects of sports culture.
A socialzee with such a role conception tries to materialize his interior norm and value through a role negotiation process with the role expectant who serves as a conveyor of the community's norm and value.
1) First at all we must amalyze the difference between inltures to which coach as an agent and player as an socializer belong.
2) And then we need to analyze the social position of participants in correlational actions.
3) I found that sports could influence on cultures both inwardly and outwardly.
4) Sports culture, finally, can make cultural social change.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.20
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#207386
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